We offer complementary myTags Custom (F)ISH probe bioinformatic design service using our proprietary design algorithms for most types of (F)ISH projects. Please contact us with a brief description of your project, including the name of your study species, genomic coordinates, and any additional information.
Our experts will apply our advanced proprietary probe design algorithms to craft a custom probe design for your targeting needs, for any organism or application. Our scientific team has decades of experience designing custom probes for a wide variety of applications, including multi- or single locus/gene localization, chromosome painting, chromosomal indexing/barcoding, haplotyping, and more.
Only the highest specificity regions with minimal background noise and cross-reactivity for premium performance in any downstream experimental application would be selected for the probe design.
And with our transparent and straightforward scientific communication process, you always have full control and ownership over the oligo sequences for each and every myTags Custom probeset.