The myBaits WGE product line ONLY offers bait production directly from high quality genomic DNA precursor material. This gDNA must be made physically available to us in order to manufacture a myBaits WGE Custom kit (either extracted in your lab or sourced from a third-party gDNA supplier).
Daicel Arbor Biosciences does have the ability to design and synthesize synthetic customized bait oligo pools via our standard myBaits Custom DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq, and Methyl-Seq products. However the myBaits Custom synthetic oligo approach is generally not an option for targeting entire large nuclear genomes (e.g. from eukaryotic organisms such as plants or animals) due to prohibitively large numbers of baits that would be required. However if you are working with an organism that has a much smaller genome (e.g. one or more bacteria), or are interested in capturing only a portion of a much larger genome, then a myBaits Custom kit is likely the most effective option.
Please contact us with details about your project goals and budget, so we can discuss project options.