Investigative genetic genealogy (IGG) has emerged as a highly effective tool for tying a forensic DNA sample to an identity. While much of the attention paid to IGG has focused on cases where the DNA is from an unknown suspect, IGG has also been used to help close hundreds of unidentified human remains (UHR) cases. Genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype data can be obtained from forensic samples using microarray genotyping or whole-genome sequencing (WGS) with protocols optimized for degraded DNA. After bioinformatic processing, the SNP data can be uploaded to public GG databases that allow law enforcement usage, where it can be compared with other users’ data to find distant relatives. A genetic genealogist can then build the family trees of the relatives to narrow down the identity of the source of the forensic DNA sample. To date, 36 UHR identifications using IGG have been publicly announced. The same IGG techniques developed and refined for UHR cases have significant potential for disaster victim identification, where DNA is often extremely compromised, and close family references may not be available. This paper reviews the laboratory, bioinformatic, and genealogical techniques used in IGG for UHR cases and presents three case studies that demonstrate how IGG is assisting with remains identification.

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Investigative genetic genealogy for human remains identification
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