Pomfret fishes of the genus Pampus are commercially important in the Indo-Pacific region, yet the phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy of Pampus remain contentious. Here, we sampled 151 specimens, representing all known species of the genus, as well as two outgroup species (two families). We collected sequences from 17,292 single-copy nuclear coding loci using target-gene enrichment and Illumina sequencing for a subset samples of P. echinogaster, P. argenteus, P. cinereus, P. liuorum, P. chinensis, P. minor, and P. punctatissimus, which were carefully examined according to their species descriptions. Concatenated gene tree and species tree analyses resulted in identical and highly supported phylogenies, in which P. argenteus was sister to P. minor in one clade and P. cinereus sister to P. chinensis and P. punctatissimus in the other clade. Phylogenetic reconstruction using sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) collected by us and those retrieved from NCBI suggests extensive misidentification of Pampus species in the NCBI database. We also measured morphological characters of each species as well as observed their osteological structure using micro-CT. Both molecular and morphological results suggest that P. echinogaster is a synonym of P. argenteus, and P. liuorum is a synonym of P. cinereus. Pampus cinereus from China, Bangladesh and an uncertain origin were grouped into three clades according to their sampling localities, but we could not find decisive morphological characters to describe the “cryptic species” of P. cinereus. Finally, based on the results of the molecular analyses and morphological reexamination, we created an identification key for the genus of Pampus.

Home » Molecular systematics of Pampus (Perciformes: Stromateidae) based on thousands of nuclear loci using target-gene enrichment
Molecular systematics of Pampus (Perciformes: Stromateidae) based on thousands of nuclear loci using target-gene enrichment
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