Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for Library Preparation Kits for myBaits. US version.

An excavation conducted at Harewood Cemetery to identify the unmarked grave of Samuel Washington resulted in the discovery of burials presumably belonging to George Washington’s paternal grandnephews and their mother, Lucy Payne. To confirm their identities this study examined Y-chromosomal, mitochondrial, and autosomal DNA from the burials and a living Washington descendant. The burial’s Y-STR profile was compared to FamilyTreeDNA’s database, which resulted in a one-step difference from the living descendant and an exact match to another Washington. A more complete Y-STR and Y-SNP profile from the descendant was inferred to be the Washington Y profile. Kinship comparisons performed in relation to the descendant, who is a 4th and 5th degree relative of the putative individuals, resulted in >37,000 overlapping autosomal SNPs and strong statistical support with likelihood ratios exceeding one billion. This study highlights the benefits of a multi-marker approach for kinship prediction and DNA-assisted identification of historical remains.

Parchment, the skins of animals prepared for use as writing surfaces, offers a valuable source of genetic information. Many have clearly defined provenance, allowing for the genetic findings to be evaluated in temporal and spatial context. While these documents can yield evidence of the animal sources, the DNA contained within these aged skins is often damaged and fragmented. Previously, genetic studies targeting parchment have used destructive sampling techniques and so the development and validation of non-destructive sampling methods would expand opportunities and facilitate testing of more precious documents, especially those with historical significance. Here we present genetic data obtained by non-destructive sampling of eight parchments spanning the 15th century to the modern day. We define a workflow for enriching the mitochondrial genome (mtGenome), generating next-generation sequencing reads to permit species identification, and providing interpretation guidance. Using sample replication, comparisons to destructively sampled controls, and by establishing authentication criteria, we were able to confidently assign full/near full mtGenome sequences to 56.3% of non-destructively sampled parchments, each with greater than 90% of the mtGenome reference covered. Six of eight parchments passed all four established thresholds with at least one non-destructive sample, highlighting promise for future studies.

Manual for Library Preparation Kit for myBaits, v1.0

Disease resistance genes in livestock provide health benefits to animals and opportunities for farmers to meet the growing demand for affordable, high-quality protein. Previously, researchers used gene editing to modify the porcine CD163 gene and demonstrated resistance to a harmful virus that causes porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS). To maximize potential benefits, this disease resistance trait needs to be present in commercially relevant breeding populations for multiplication and distribution of pigs. Toward this goal, a first of-its-kind, scaled gene editing program was established to introduce a single modified CD163 allele into four genetically diverse, elite porcine lines. This effort produced healthy pigs that resisted PRRS virus infection as determined by macrophage and animal challenges. This founder population will be used for additional disease and trait testing, multiplication, and commercial distribution upon regulatory approval. Applying CRISPR-Cas to eliminate a viral disease represents a major step toward improving animal health.

Directly observing the chronology and tempo of adaptation in response to ecological change is rarely possible in natural ecosystems. Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) has been shown to be a tractable source of genome-scale data of long-dead organisms1,2,3 and to thereby potentially provide an understanding of the evolutionary histories of past populations.4,5 To date, time series of ecosystem biodiversity have been reconstructed from sedaDNA, typically using DNA metabarcoding or shotgun sequence data generated from less than 1 g of sediment.6,7 Here, we maximize sequence coverage by extracting DNA from ∼50× more sediment per sample than the majority of previous studies1,2,3 to achieve genotype resolution. From a time series of Late Pleistocene sediments spanning from a marine to freshwater ecosystem, we compare adaptive genotypes reconstructed from the environmental genomes of three-spined stickleback at key time points of this transition. We find a staggered temporal dynamic in which freshwater alleles at known loci of large effect in marine-freshwater divergence of three-spined stickleback (e.g., EDA)8 were already established during the brackish phase of the formation of the isolation basin. However, marine alleles were still detected across the majority of marine-freshwater divergence-associated loci, even after the complete isolation of the lake from marine ingression. Our retrospective approach to studying adaptation from environmental genomes of three-spined sticklebacks at the end of the last glacial period complements contemporary experimental approaches9,10,11 and highlights the untapped potential for retrospective “evolve and resequence” natural experiments using sedaDNA.

Investigative genetic genealogy (IGG) has emerged as a highly effective tool for tying a forensic DNA sample to an identity. While much of the attention paid to IGG has focused on cases where the DNA is from an unknown suspect, IGG has also been used to help close hundreds of unidentified human remains (UHR) cases. Genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype data can be obtained from forensic samples using microarray genotyping or whole-genome sequencing (WGS) with protocols optimized for degraded DNA. After bioinformatic processing, the SNP data can be uploaded to public GG databases that allow law enforcement usage, where it can be compared with other users’ data to find distant relatives. A genetic genealogist can then build the family trees of the relatives to narrow down the identity of the source of the forensic DNA sample. To date, 36 UHR identifications using IGG have been publicly announced. The same IGG techniques developed and refined for UHR cases have significant potential for disaster victim identification, where DNA is often extremely compromised, and close family references may not be available. This paper reviews the laboratory, bioinformatic, and genealogical techniques used in IGG for UHR cases and presents three case studies that demonstrate how IGG is assisting with remains identification.

The origins of treponemal diseases have long remained unknown, especially considering the sudden onset of the first syphilis epidemic in the late 15th century in Europe and its hypothesized arrival from the Americas with Columbus’ expeditions1,2. Recently, ancient DNA evidence has revealed various treponemal infections circulating in early modern Europe and colonial-era Mexico3,4,5,6. However, there has been to our knowledge no genomic evidence of treponematosis recovered from either the Americas or the Old World that can be reliably dated to the time before the first trans-Atlantic contacts. Here, we present treponemal genomes from nearly 2,000-year-old human remains from Brazil. We reconstruct four ancient genomes of a prehistoric treponemal pathogen, most closely related to the bejel-causing agent Treponema pallidum endemicum. Contradicting the modern day geographical niche of bejel in the arid regions of the world, the results call into question the previous palaeopathological characterization of treponeme subspecies and showcase their adaptive potential. A high-coverage genome is used to improve molecular clock date estimations, placing the divergence of modern T. pallidum subspecies firmly in pre-Columbian times. Overall, our study demonstrates the opportunities within archaeogenetics to uncover key events in pathogen evolution and emergence, paving the way to new hypotheses on the origin and spread of treponematoses.

Over the past several decades, most people have come to understand what DNA is – generally, it’s defined as the carrier of a person’s distinct genetic information. Since DNA was first used in forensic science in the late 1980s, it has opened doors for criminal investigators and genealogists to solve cases that have been cold for decades. For the U.S. military, it’s been essential in carrying out the age-old motto, “no one left behind.”

Methane emissions from plant foliage may play an important role in the global methane cycle, but their size and the underlying source processes remain poorly understood. Here, we quantify methane fluxes from the shoots of Scots pine trees, a dominant tree species in boreal forests, to identify source processes and environmental drivers, and we evaluate whether these fluxes can be constrained at the ecosystem-level by eddy covariance flux measurements. We show that shoot-level measurements conducted in forest, garden, or greenhouse settings; on mature trees and saplings; manually and with an automated CO2-, temperature-, and water-controlled chamber system; and with multiple methane analyzers all resulted in comparable daytime fluxes (0.144 ± 0.019 to 0.375 ± 0.074 nmol CH4 g−1 foliar d.w. h−1). We further find that these emissions exhibit a pronounced diurnal cycle that closely follows photosynthetically active radiation and is further modulated by temperature. These diurnal patterns indicate that methane production is associated with diurnal cycle of sunlight, indicating that this production is either a byproduct of photosynthesis-associated biochemical reactions (e.g., the methionine cycle) or produced through nonenzymatic photochemical reactions in plant biomass. Moreover, we identified a light-dependent component in stand-level methane fluxes, which showed order-of-magnitude agreement with shoot-level measurements (0.968 ± 0.031 nmol CH4 g−1 h−1) and which provides an upper limit for shoot methane emissions.