Infectious diseases are among the strongest selective pressures driving human evolution1,2. This includes the single greatest mortality event in recorded history, the first outbreak of the second pandemic of plague, commonly called the Black Death, which was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis3. This pandemic devastated Afro-Eurasia, killing up to 30–50% of the population4. To identify loci that may have been under selection during the Black Death, we characterized genetic variation around immune-related genes from 206 ancient DNA extracts, stemming from two different European populations before, during and after the Black Death. Immune loci are strongly enriched for highly differentiated sites relative to a set of non-immune loci, suggesting positive selection. We identify 245 variants that are highly differentiated within the London dataset, four of which were replicated in an independent cohort from Denmark, and represent the strongest candidates for positive selection. The selected allele for one of these variants, rs2549794, is associated with the production of a full-length (versus truncated) ERAP2 transcript, variation in cytokine response to Y. pestis and increased ability to control intracellular Y. pestis in macrophages. Finally, we show that protective variants overlap with alleles that are today associated with increased susceptibility to autoimmune diseases, providing empirical evidence for the role played by past pandemics in shaping present-day susceptibility to disease.

Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & Burtt is a morphologically variable cosmopolitan species allied to a number of geographically restricted taxa with a confusing taxonomic history. The relationships and circumscription of these taxa have never been the subject of a global study. We subjected plastid genome and nuclear-ribosomal DNA sequences from New Zealand samples of P. luteoalbum and the threatened endemic P. ephemerum de Lange to phylogenetic analyses along with sequences from elsewhere in the world. Our analyses suggest that two lineages of the genus are present in New Zealand. One was collected from urban and peri-urban locations and we propose it is naturalised to New Zealand. The other was collected from peri-urban and relatively unmodified locations and we propose that it is indigenous and provide the new combination P. lanatum (G.Forst) Smissen, Breitw. & de Lange for the indigenous lineage at species rank. Pseudognaphalium ephemerum sequences were part of the lineage putatively indigenous to New Zealand but their sequences were not distinguishable from some others of this lineage in our analyses. Hawaiian Islands samples attributed to the four varieties of P. sandwicensium (Gaudich) Anderb. may all belong to different species. Sequences of two P. sandwicensium plants match those of the lineage putatively naturalised in New Zealand. Those of P. sandwicensium var. kilaueanum (O.Deg. & Sherff) W.L.Wagner are most similar to those of the putatively indigenous New Zealand lineage. Another group of Hawaiian Islands plants, including one of P. sandwicensium var. molokaiense (O.Deg. & Sherff) W.L.Wagner from west Maui, are more closely related to the Asiatic species P. affine (D.Don) Anderb. than to the other Hawaiian Islands lineages or either New Zealand lineage. The affinities of P. sandwicensium var. hawaiiense (O.Deg. & Sherff) W.L.Wagner lie with native North American Pseudognaphalium species.

Abstract Evolution relies on the availability of genetic diversity for fitness-based selection. However, most DNA viruses employ DNA polymerases capable of exonucleolytic proofreading to limit mutation rates during DNA replication. The relative genetic stability produced by high fidelity genome replication can make studying DNA virus adaptation and evolution an intensive endeavor, especially in slowly replicating viruses. Here, we present a proofreading impaired polymerase mutant (Y547S) of Marek’s disease virus that exhibits a hypermutator phenotype while maintaining unimpaired growth in vitro and wild-type (WT)-like pathogenicity in vivo. At the same time, mutation frequencies observed in Y547S virus populations are 2–5 fold higher compared to the parental WT virus. We find that Y547S adapts faster to growth in originally non-permissive cells, evades pressure conferred by antiviral inhibitors more efficiently, and is more easily attenuated by serial passage in cultured cells when compared to WT. Our results suggest that hypermutator viruses can serve as a tool to accelerate evolutionary processes and help identify key genetic changes required for adaptation to novel host cells and resistance to antiviral therapy. Similarly, the rapid attenuation achieved through adaption of hypermutators to growth in cell culture enables identification of genetic chances underlying attenuation and virulence, knowledge that could practically exploited, for example in the rational design of vaccines.

This short video illustrates, on a molecular level, how myBaits hybridization works. Increase samples per sequencing run and reduce analysis effort.

Pearl millet is among the top three-cereal production in one of the most climate vulnerable regions, sub-Saharan Africa. Its Sahelian origin makes it adapted to grow in poor sandy soils under low soil water regimes. Pearl millet is thus considered today as one of the most interesting crops to face the global warming. Flowering time, a trait highly correlated with latitude, is one of the key traits that could be modulated to face future global changes. West African pearl millet landraces, can be grouped into early- (EF) and late-flowering (LF) varieties, each flowering group playing a specific role in the functioning and resilience of Sahelian smallholders. The aim of this study was thus to detect genes linked to flowering but also linked to relevant traits within each flowering group. We thus investigated genomic and phenotypic diversity in 109 pearl millet landrace accessions, i.e., 66 early-flowering and 43 late-flowering, grown in the groundnut basin, the first area of rainfed agriculture in Senegal dominated by dry cereals (millet, maize, and sorghum) and legumes (groundnuts, cowpeas). We were able to confirm the role of PhyC gene in pearl millet flowering and identify several other genes that appear to be as much as important, such as FSR12 and HAC1 . HAC1 and two other genes appear to be part of QTLs previously identified and deserve further investigation. At the same time, we were able to highlight a several genes and variants that could contribute to the improvement of pearl millet yield, especially since their impact was demonstrated across flowering cycles.

Animals developing at high elevation experience a suite of environmental challenges, most notably the low partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in ambient air. In low PO2, bird species with high-elevation ancestry consistently demonstrate higher hatching success than lowland counterparts, suggesting highland birds are adapted to restricted O2 (hypoxia) in early development. Haemoglobin (Hb), the critical oxygen-transport protein, is a likely target of PO2-related selection across ontogeny since Hb isoforms expressed at distinct developmental stages demonstrate different O2 affinities. To test if Hb function is under PO2-related selection at different ontogenetic stages, we sampled a songbird, the hooded siskin (Spinus magellanicus), across two approximately 4000 m elevational transects. We sequenced all of the loci that encode avian Hb isoforms, and tested for signatures of spatially varying selection by comparing divergence patterns in Hb loci to other loci sampled across the genome. We found strong signatures of diversifying selection at non-synonymous sites in loci that contribute to embryonic (απ, βH) and definitive (βA) Hb isoforms. This is the first evidence for selection on embryonic haemoglobin in high-elevation Neoaves. We conclude that selection on Hb function at brief, but critical stages of ontogeny may be a vital component to high elevation adaptation in birds.

North American minnows of the Shiner Clade, within the family Leuciscidae, represent one of the most taxonomically complex clades of the order Cypriniformes due to the large number of taxa coupled with conserved morphologies. Species within this clade were moved between genera and subgenera until the community decided to lump many of the unclassified taxa with similar morphologies into one genus, Notropis , which has held up to 325 species. Despite phylogentic studies that began to re-elevate some genera merged into Notropis , such as Cyprinella , Luxilus , Lythrurus , and Pteronotropis , the large genus Notropis remained as a taxonomic repository for many shiners of uncertain placement. Recent molecular advances in sequencing technologies have provided the opportunity to re-examine the Shiner Clade using phylogenomic markers. Using a fish probe kit, we sequenced 90 specimens in 87 species representing 16 genera included in the Shiner Clade, with a resulting dataset of 1,004 loci and 286,455 base pairs. Despite the large dataset, only 32,349 bp (11.29%) were phylogenetically informative. In our maximum likelihood tree, 78% of nodes are 100% bootstrap supported demonstrating the utility of the phylogenomic markers at lower taxonomic levels. Unsurprisingly, species within Notropis as well as Hudsonius , Luxilus , and Alburnops are not resolved as monophyletic groups. Cyprinella is monophyletic if Cyprinella callistia is excluded, and Pteronotropis is monophyletic if it includes Hudsonius cummingsae . Taxonomic changes we propose are: restriction of species included in Alburnops and Notropis , elevation of the subgenus Hydrophlox , expansion of species included in Miniellus , movement of Hudsonius cummingsae to Pteronotropis , and resurrection of the genera Coccotis and Paranotropis . We additionally had two specimens of three species, Notropis atherinoides, Ericymba amplamala , and Pimephales vigilax and found signficant differences between the localities (1,086, 1,424, and 845 nucleotides respectively).

Researchers used ancient DNA and myBaits to sequence immune genes from Europeans that died before, during, and after the Black Death in the 1300’s.