Abstract Human herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) is a ubiquitous, slowly evolving DNA virus. HSV-2 has two primary lineages, one found in West and Central Africa and the other found worldwide. Competing hypotheses have been proposed to explain how HSV-2 migrated out-of-Africa (i)HSV-2 followed human migration out-of-Africa 50-100 thousand years ago, or (ii)HSV-2 migrated via the trans-Atlantic slave trade 150-500 years ago. Limited geographic sampling and lack of molecular clock signal has precluded robust comparison. Here, we analyze newly sequenced HSV-2 genomes from Africa to resolve geography and timing of divergence events within HSV-2. Phylogeographic analysis consistently places the ancestor of worldwide dispersal in East Africa, though molecular clock is too slow to be detected using available data. Rates 4.2 × 10 −8 −5.6 × 10 −8 substitutions/site/year, consistent with previous age estimates, suggest a worldwide dispersal 22-29 thousand years ago. Thus, HSV-2 likely migrated with humans from East Africa and dispersed after the Last Glacial Maximum.

Presented by Alison Devault, Ph.D., Director of Genomics at the ConsGen22 Meeting in August 2022.

Premise Reconciling the use of taxonomy to partition morphological variation and describe genetic divergence within and among closely related species is a persistent challenge in phylogenetics. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships among Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae) and five closely allied species to test the genetic basis for the current model of species delimitation in this economically valuable and threatened genus.

Abstract For 175 years, an unremarkable bass, the Grape-eye Seabass (Hemilutjanus macrophthalmos), has been known from coastal waters in the Eastern Pacific. To date, its phylogenetic placement and classification have been ignored. A preliminary osteological examination of Hemilutjanus hinted that it may have affinities with the Acropomatiformes. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis using UCE and Sanger sequence data to study the placement of Hemilutjanus and the limits and relationships of the Acropomatiformes. We show that Hemilutjanus is a malakichthyid, and our results corroborate earlier studies that have resolved a polyphyletic Polyprionidae; accordingly, we describe Stereolepididae, new family, for Stereolepis. With these revisions, the Acropomatiformes is now composed of the: Acropomatidae; Banjosidae; Bathyclupeidae; Champsodontidae; Creediidae; Dinolestidae; Epigonidae; Glaucosomatidae; Hemerocoetidae; Howellidae; Lateolabracidae; Malakichthyidae; Ostracoberycidae; Pempheridae; Pentacerotidae; Polyprionidae; Scombropidae; Stereolepididae, new family; Symphysanodontidae; Synagropidae; and Schuettea. Finally, using our new hypothesis, we demonstrate that acropomatiforms repeatedly evolved bioluminescence and transitioned between shallow waters and the deep sea.

Advances in the field of museomics have promoted a high sampling demand for natural history collections (NHCs), eventually resulting in damage to invaluable resources to understand historical biodiversity. It is thus essential to achieve a consensus about which historical tissues present the best sources of DNA. In this study, we evaluated the performance of different historical tissues from Iberian wolf NHCs in genome-wide assessments. We targeted three tissues—bone (jaw and femur), maxilloturbinal bone, and skin—that have been favored by traditional taxidermy practices for mammalian carnivores. Specifically, we performed shotgun sequencing and target capture enrichment for 100,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) selected from the commercial Canine HD BeadChip across 103 specimens from 1912 to 2005. The performance of the different tissues was assessed using metrics based on endogenous DNA content, uniquely high-quality mapped reads after capture, and enrichment proportions. All samples succeeded as DNA sources, regardless of their collection year or sample type. Skin samples yielded significantly higher amounts of endogenous DNA compared to both bone types, which yielded equivalent amounts. There was no evidence for a direct effect of tissue type on capture efficiency; however, the number of genotyped SNPs was strictly associated with the starting amount of endogenous DNA. Evaluation of genotyping accuracy for distinct minimum read depths across tissue types showed a consistent overall low genotyping error rate (<7%), even at low (3x) coverage. We recommend the use of skins as reliable and minimally destructive sources of endogenous DNA for whole-genome and target enrichment approaches in mammalian carnivores. In addition, we provide a new 100,000 SNP capture array validated for historical DNA (hDNA) compatible to the Canine HD BeadChip for high-quality DNA. The increasing demand for NHCs as DNA sources should encourage the generation of genomic datasets comparable among studies.

Selection together with variation in floral traits can act to mold floral form, often driven by a plant’s predominant or most effective pollinators. To investigate the evolution of traits associated with pollination, we developed a phylogenetic framework for evaluating tempo and mode of pollination shifts across the genus Costus L., known for its evolutionary toggle between traits related to bee and bird pollination. Using a target enrichment approach, we obtained 957 loci for 171 accessions to expand the phylogenetic sampling of Neotropical Costus . In addition, we performed whole genome resequencing for a subset of 20 closely related species with contrasting pollination syndromes. For each of these 20 genomes, a high-quality assembled transcriptome was used as reference for consensus calling of candidate loci hypothesized to be associated with pollination-related traits of interest. To test for the role these candidate genes may play in evolutionary shifts in pollinators, signatures of selection were estimated as dN/dS across the identified candidate loci. We obtained a well-resolved phylogeny for Neotropical Costus despite conflict among gene trees that provide evidence of incomplete lineage sorting and/or reticulation. The overall topology and the network of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) indicate that multiple shifts in pollination strategy have occurred across Costus , while also suggesting the presence of previously undetected signatures of hybridization between distantly related taxa. Traits related to pollination syndromes are strongly correlated and have been gained and lost in concert several times throughout the evolution of the genus. The presence of bract appendages is correlated with two traits associated with defenses against herbivory. Although labellum shape is strongly correlated with overall pollination syndrome, we found no significant impact of labellum shape on diversification rates. Evidence suggests an interplay of pollination success with other selective pressures shaping the evolution of the Costus inflorescence. Although most of the loci used for phylogenetic inference appear to be under purifying selection, many candidate genes associated with functional traits show evidence of being under positive selection. Together these results indicate an interplay of phylogenetic history with adaptive evolution leading to the diversification of pollination-associated traits in Neotropical Costus .

Abstract Panicum miliaceum L. was domesticated in northern China at least 7000 years ago and was subsequentially adopted in many areas throughout Eurasia. One such locale is Areni-1 an archaeological cave site in Southern Armenia, where vast quantities archaeobotanical material were well preserved via desiccation. The rich botanical material found at Areni-1 includes P. miliaceum grains that were identified morphologically and 14 C dated to the medieval period (873 ± 36 CE and 1118 ± 35 CE). To investigate the demographic and evolutionary history of the Areni-1 millet, we used ancient DNA extraction, hybridization capture enrichment, and high throughput sequencing to assemble three chloroplast genomes from the medieval grains and then compared these sequences to 50 modern P. miliaceum chloroplast genomes. Overall, the chloroplast genomes contained a low amount of diversity with domesticated accessions separated by a maximum of 5 SNPs and little inference on demography could be made. However, in phylogenies the chloroplast genomes separated into two clades, similar to what has been reported for nuclear DNA from P. miliaceum . The chloroplast genomes of two wild (undomesticated) accessions of P. miliaceum contained a relatively large number of variants, 11 SNPs, not found in the domesticated accessions. These results demonstrate that P. miliaceum grains from archaeological sites can preserve DNA for at least 1000 years and serve as a genetic resource to study the domestication of this cereal crop.

A resistance gene atlas is an integral component of the breeder’s arsenal in the fight against evolving pathogens. Thanks to high-throughput sequencing, catalogues of resistance genes can be assembled even in crop species with large and polyploid genomes. Here, we report on capture sequencing and assembly of resistance gene homologs in a diversity panel of 907 winter wheat genotypes comprising ex situ genebank accessions and current elite cultivars. In addition, we use accurate long-read sequencing and chromosome conformation capture sequencing to construct a chromosome-scale genome sequence assembly of cv. Attraktion, an elite variety representative of European winter wheat. We illustrate the value of our resource for breeders and geneticists by (i) comparing the resistance gene complements in plant genetic resources and elite varieties and (ii) conducting genome-wide associations scans (GWAS) for the fungal diseases yellow rust and leaf rust using reference-based and reference-free GWAS approaches. The gene content under GWAS peaks was scrutinized in the assembly of cv. Attraktion.