RenSeq and related NGS approaches have been utilized in or contributed to hundreds of studies across a wide range of plant species. Part 1 of 2.

RenSeq and related NGS approaches have been utilized in or contributed to hundreds of studies across a wide range of plant species. Part 2 of 2.

The Baltic Sea, with its steep salinity gradient, high water retention time, and relatively young age, represents a marginal ecosystem between marine and freshwater extremes. Due to differing invasion history and dispersal capabilities of Baltic species, there are large differences in species distributions, species-specific genetic structure and variation, and edge populations that may represent both a subset of the original population, as well as unique genetic lineages. We used a phylogenomic approach to investigate relationships between populations of three benthic macroinvertebrate species: Pygospio elegans, Corophium volutator, and Mya arenaria, providing new insight into evolutionary dynamics among populations in the Baltic Sea and the adjacent North Sea. We found little relation among the populations of P. elegans and C. volutator, in contrast to M. arenaria, which exhibits a higher degree of resemblance between populations. We also found low relation within sites sampled at different times of the year for all species. Each species exhibited unique phylogenetic patterns, suggesting the North Sea populations of P. elegans and M. arenaria are closely related to populations within the Baltic Sea, and with only C. volutator showing trends resembling isolation by distance. These differences could be explained by both their different invasion histories and dispersal capabilities of the individual species.

The detection of rustrela virus (RusV)-associated encephalitis in two carnivoran mammal species further extends the knowledge on susceptible species. Furthermore, we provide clinical and pathological data for the two new RusV cases, which were until now limited to the initial description of this fatal encephalitis. , ABSTRACT Rustrela virus (RusV; species Rubivirus strelense ) is a recently discovered relative of rubella virus (RuV) that has been detected in cases of encephalitis in diverse mammals. Here, we diagnosed two additional cases of fatal RusV-associated meningoencephalitis in a South American coati ( Nasua nasua ) and a Eurasian or European otter ( Lutra lutra ) that were detected in a zoological garden with history of prior RusV infections. Both animals showed abnormal movement or unusual behavior and their brains tested positive for RusV using specific reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and RNA in situ hybridization. As previous sequencing of the RusV genome proved to be very challenging, we employed a sophisticated target-specific capture enrichment with specifically designed RNA baits to generate complete RusV genome sequences from both detected encephalitic animals and apparently healthy wild yellow-necked field mice ( Apodemus flavicollis ). Furthermore, the technique was used to revise three previously published RusV genomes from two encephalitic animals and a wild yellow-necked field mouse. When comparing the newly generated RusV sequences to the previously published RusV genomes, we identified a previously undetected stretch of 309 nucleotides predicted to represent the intergenic region and the sequence encoding the N terminus of the capsid protein. This indicated that the original RusV sequence was likely incomplete due to misassembly of the genome at a region with an exceptionally high G+C content of >80 mol%. The new sequence data indicate that RusV has an overall genome length of 9,631 nucleotides with the longest intergenic region (290 nucleotides) and capsid protein-encoding sequence (331 codons) within the genus Rubivirus . IMPORTANCE The detection of rustrela virus (RusV)-associated encephalitis in two carnivoran mammal species further extends the knowledge on susceptible species. Furthermore, we provide clinical and pathological data for the two new RusV cases, which were until now limited to the initial description of this fatal encephalitis. Using a sophisticated enrichment method prior to sequencing of the viral genome, we markedly improved the virus-to-background sequence ratio compared to that of standard procedures. Consequently, we were able to resolve and update the intergenic region and the coding region for the N terminus of the capsid protein of the initial RusV genome sequence. The updated putative capsid protein now resembles those of rubella and ruhugu virus in size and harbors a predicted RNA-binding domain that had not been identified in the initial RusV genome version. The newly determined complete RusV genomes strongly improve our knowledge of the genome structure of this novel rubivirus.

Purpose The demand for high-throughput genetic profiling of somatic mutations in cancer tissues is growing. We sought to establish a targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) panel test for clinical oncology practice. Methods Customized probes were designed to capture exonic regions of 141 genes selected for the panel, which was aimed for the detection of clinically actionable genetic variations in cancer, including KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, ALK, ROS1, KIT and EGFR. The size of entire targeted regions is 0.8 Mb. Library preparation used NEBNext Ultra II FS kit coupled with target enrichment. Paired-end sequencing was run on Illumina NextSeq 500 at a read length of 150 nt. A bioinformatics workflow focusing on single nucleotide variant and short insertions and deletions (SNV/indel) discovery was established using open source, in-house and commercial software tools. Standard reference DNA samples were used in testing the sensitivity and precision and limit of detection in variant calling. Results The general performance of the panel was observed in pilot runs. Average total reads per sample ranged from 30 million to 48 million, 73% ~82% unique reads. All runs had more than 99% average mapping rate. Mean target coverage ranged from 727x to 879x. Depth of coverage at 50x or more reached 87% of targeted region and 60% of targeted region received 500x or more coverage depth. Using OncoSpan HD827 DNA, which bears 144 variants (SNV/indel) from 80 genes that are within the targeted region on the panel, our somatic variant calling pipeline reached 97% sensitivity and 100% precision respectively, with near 48 million reads. High concordance with orthogonal approaches in variant detection was further verified with 7 cancer cell lines and 45 clinical specimens. Conclusion We developed a NGS panel with a focus on clinically actionable gene mutations and validated the performance in library construction, sequencing and variant calling. High concordance with reference materials and orthogonal mutation detection was observed.

Over the last century, many shark populations have declined, primarily due to overexploitation in commercial, artisanal and recreational fisheries. In addition, in some locations the use of shark control programs also has had an impact on shark numbers. Still, there is a general perception that populations of large ocean predators cover wide areas and therefore their diversity is less susceptible to local anthropogenic disturbance. Here we report on temporal genomic analyses of tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) DNA samples that were collected from eastern Australia over the past century. Using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) loci, we documented a significant change in genetic composition of tiger sharks born between ~1939 and 2015. The change was most likely due to a shift over time in the relative contribution of two well-differentiated, but hitherto cryptic populations. Our data strongly indicate a dramatic shift in the relative contribution of these two populations to the overall tiger shark abundance on the east coast of Australia, possibly associated with differences in direct or indirect exploitation rates.

In Mauritania, several mosquito-borne viruses have been reported that can cause devastating diseases in animals and humans. However, monitoring data on their occurrence and local distribution are limited. Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is an arthropod-borne virus that causes major outbreaks throughout the African continent and the Arabian Peninsula. The first Rift Valley fever (RVF) epidemic in Mauritania occurred in 1987 and since then the country has been affected by recurrent outbreaks of the disease. To gain information on the occurrence of RVFV as well as other mosquito-borne viruses and their vectors in Mauritania, we collected and examined 4,950 mosquitoes, belonging to four genera and 14 species. The mosquitoes were captured during 2018 in the capital Nouakchott and in southern parts of Mauritania. Evidence of RVFV was found in a mosquito pool of female Anopheles pharoensis mosquitoes collected in December on a farm near the Senegal River. At that time, 37.5% of 16 tested Montbéliarde cattle on the farm showed RVFV-specific IgM antibodies. Additionally, we detected IgM antibodies in 10.7% of 28 indigenous cattle that had been sampled on the same farm one month earlier. To obtain information on potential RVFV reservoir hosts, blood meals captured engorged mosquitoes were analyzed. The mosquitoes mainly fed on humans (urban areas) and cattle (rural areas), but also on small ruminants, donkeys, cats, dogs and straw-colored fruit bats. Results of this study demonstrate the circulation of RVFV in Mauritania and thus the need for further research to investigate the distribution of the virus and its vectors. Furthermore, factors that may contribute to its maintenance should be analyzed more closely. In addition, two mosquito pools containing Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes showed evidence of dengue virus (DENV) 2 circulation in the city of Rosso. Further studies are therefore needed to also examine DENV circulation in Mauritania.

The Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infects almost 95% of the population worldwide. While typically asymptomatic, EBV latent infection is associated with several malignancies of epithelial and lymphoid origin in immunocompromised individuals. In latently infected cells, the EBV genome persists as a chromatinized episome that expresses a limited set of viral genes in different patterns, referred to as latency types, which coincide with varying stages of infection and various malignancies. We have previously demonstrated that latency types correlate with differences in the composition and structure of the EBV episome. Several cellular factors, including the nuclear lamina, regulate chromatin composition and architecture. While the interaction of the viral genome with the nuclear lamina has been studied in the context of EBV lytic reactivation, the role of the nuclear lamina in controlling EBV latency has not been investigated. Here, we report that the nuclear lamina is an essential epigenetic regulator of the EBV episome. We observed that in B cells, EBV infection affects the composition of the nuclear lamina by inducing the expression of lamin A/C, but only in EBV+ cells expressing the Type III latency program. Using ChIP-Seq, we determined that lamin B1 and lamin A/C bind the EBV genome, and their binding correlates with deposition of the histone repressive mark H3K9me2. By RNA-Seq, we observed that knock-out of lamin A/C in B cells alters EBV gene expression. Our data indicate that the interaction between lamins and the EBV episome contributes to the epigenetic control of viral gene expression during latency, suggesting a restrictive function of the nuclear lamina as part of the host response against viral DNA entry into the nucleus.