Present-day Tibetans have adapted both genetically and culturally to the high altitude environment of the Tibetan Plateau, but fundamental questions about their origins remain unanswered. Recent archaeological and genetic research suggests the presence of an early population on the Plateau within the past 40 thousand years, followed by the arrival of subsequent groups within the past 10 thousand years. Here, we obtain new genome-wide data for 33 ancient individuals from high elevation sites on the southern fringe of the Tibetan Plateau in Nepal, who we show are most closely related to present-day Tibetans. They derive most of their ancestry from groups related to Late Neolithic populations at the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau but also harbor a minor genetic component from a distinct and deep Paleolithic Eurasian ancestry. In contrast to their Tibetan neighbors, present-day non-Tibetan Tibeto-Burman speakers living at mid-elevations along the southern and eastern margins of the Plateau form a genetic cline that reflects a distinct genetic history. Finally, a comparison between ancient and present-day highlanders confirms ongoing positive selection of high altitude adaptive alleles.

Abstract We investigate the species-level taxonomy and evolutionary history of Nearctic ants in the Crematogaster scutellaris group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), drawing on evidence from morphology and UCE (ultraconserved element) phylogenomics. The New World species in this group form a well-supported clade that originated in the Late Miocene (~7.3 Mya) and subsequently diverged into three major lineages: the C. coarctata clade (south-western Nearctic), the C. opaca clade (south-western Nearctic and northern Neotropics) and the C. lineolata clade (eastern Nearctic and Caribbean, with four isolated south-west endemics). We hypothesize trans-Beringian dispersal into the New World, west-to-east movement within North America and restriction of mesophilic species to the east with increasing aridification of the west. The ancestral nesting behaviour of these ants is inferred to be ground-dwelling, and this is still the predominant condition in the arid west, whereas most species in the eastern United States are arboreal. We resurrect from synonymy nine species and describe three new species: C. detecta sp. nov. (from Nevada), C. parapilosa sp. nov. (Florida) and C. vetusta sp. nov. (Arizona). We provide a worker-based key to the 34 species of Crematogaster occurring in America north of Mexico, but emphasize that there are still ongoing taxonomic issues that need to be resolved.

Carp gudgeons (genus Hypseleotris) are a prominent part of the Australian freshwater fish fauna, with species distributed around the western, northern, and eastern reaches of the continent. We infer a calibrated phylogeny of the genus based on nuclear ultraconserved element (UCE) sequences and using Bayesian estimation of divergence times, and use this phylogeny to investigate geographic patterns of diversification with GeoSSE. The southeastern species have hybridized to form hemiclonal lineages, and we also resolve relationships of hemiclones and compare their phylogenetic placement in the UCE phylogeny with a hypothesis based on complete mitochondrial genomes. We then use phased SNPs extracted from the UCE sequences for population structure analysis among the southeastern species and hemiclones.

The emergence of West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) in Europe resulted in significant outbreaks leading to avifauna mortality and human infections. Both viruses have overlapping geographical, host and vector ranges, and are often co-circulating in Europe. In Germany, a nationwide bird surveillance network was established to monitor these zoonotic arthropod-borne viruses in migratory and resident birds. In this framework, co-infections with WNV and USUV were detected in six dead birds collected in 2018 and 2019. Genomic sequencing and phylogenetic analyses classified the detected WNV strains as lineage 2 and the USUV strains as lineages Africa 2 (n=2), Africa 3 (n=3), and Europe 2 (n=1). Preliminary attempts to co-propagate both viruses in-vitro failed. However, we successfully cultivated WNV from two animals. Further evidence for WNV-USUV co-infection was obtained by sampling live birds in four zoological gardens with confirmed WNV cases. Three snowy owls had high neutralizing antibody titers against both WNV and USUV, of which two were also positive for USUV-RNA. In conclusion, further reports of co-infections in animals as well as in humans are expected in the future, particularly in areas where both viruses are present in the vector population.

Enrichment panel targeting 94,752 human SNPs for assessment of kinship out to 4th-degree relatives, particularly for highly degraded samples. Gorden et al. (2022) demonstrated this panel on a set of World War II-era highly degraded samples and a pool of family references genotyped on the Illumina CytoSNP-850K chip. The panel is designed for use with Parabon’s Fx software for extended kinship from very low-coverage sequencing data.

Reference: Gorden, E.M., E.M. Greytak, K. Sturk-Andreaggi, J. Cady, T.P. McMahon, S. Armentrout, & C. Marshall. (2022). Extended kinship analysis of historical remains using SNP capture. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 57, 102636.

Threadfins (Teleostei: Polynemidae) are a group of fishes named for their elongated and threadlike pectoral-fin rays. These fishes are commonly found in the world’s tropical and subtropical waters, and are an economically important group for people living in these regions, with more than 100,000 t harvested in recent years. However, we do not have a detailed understanding of polynemid evolutionary history such that these fishes can be monitored, managed and conserved as an important tropical food source. Recent studies hypothesize at least one genus of threadfins is polyphyletic, and no studies have focused on generating a hypothesis of relationship for the Polynemidae using DNA sequences. In this study, we analyse a genomic dataset of ultraconserved-element and mitochondrial loci to construct a phylogeny of the Polynemidae. We recover the threadfins as a clade sister to flatfishes, with the most taxonomically rich genus, Polydactylus, being resolved as polyphyletic. When comparing our dataset to data from previous studies, we find that a few recent broad-scale phylogenies of fishes have incorporated mislabelled, misidentified or chimeric terminals into their analyses, impacting the relationships of threadfins they recover. We highlight these problematic sequences, providing revised identifications based on the data sequenced in this study. We then discuss the intrarelationships of threadfins, highlighting morphological or ecological characters that support the clades we recover.

The diversity of biological and ecological characteristics of organisms, and the underlying genetic patterns and processes of speciation, makes the development of universally applicable genetic species delimitation methods challenging. Many approaches, like those incorporating the multispecies coalescent, sometimes delimit populations and overestimate species numbers. This issue is exacerbated in taxa with inherently high population structure due to low dispersal ability, and in cryptic species resulting from nonecological speciation. These taxa present a conundrum when delimiting species: analyses rely heavily, if not entirely, on genetic data which over split species, while other lines of evidence lump. We showcase this conundrum in the harvester Theromaster brunneus, a low dispersal taxon with a wide geographic distribution and high potential for cryptic species. Integrating morphology, mitochondrial, and sub-genomic (double-digest RADSeq and ultraconserved elements) data, we find high discordance across analyses and data types in the number of inferred species, with further evidence that multispecies coalescent approaches over split. We demonstrate the power of a supervised machine learning approach in effectively delimiting cryptic species by creating a “custom” training data set derived from a well-studied lineage with similar biological characteristics as Theromaster. This novel approach uses known taxa with particular biological characteristics to inform unknown taxa with similar characteristics, using modern computational tools ideally suited for species delimitation. The approach also considers the natural history of organisms to make more biologically informed species delimitation decisions, and in principle is broadly applicable for taxa across the tree of life.