Ehrlichia canis (Rickettsiales; Anaplasmataceae) is one of the most prevalent tick-borne pathogens of dogs globally. The bacterium infects monocytes and is the aetiological agent of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis. For many decades Australia was thought to be free of the pathogen, but this abruptly changed in May 2020 when E. canis was detected in several dogs from Kununurra, Western Australia. Subsequent surveillance activities found unexpectedly large scale spread of E. canis throughout much of northern Australia. To gain insight into the genetic relationships of the Australian strain and its potential origin, we undertook a genomic analysis of E. canis positive domestic dog and tick (Rhipicephalus linnaei) samples from the north of Western Australia, the far north of South Australia and the Northern Territory, covering thousands of square kilometres. We obtained complete E. canis genomes from each of the three states, plus an additional 16 partial genomes, substantially increasing publicly available E. canis genetic resources. The Australian E. canis genomes were highly conserved across large geographic distances. Outside of Australia, the genomes were most similar to E. canis YZ-1 from China, although few reference sequences were available. We analysed the variable trp36 gene to obtain greater phylogenetic signal, which demonstrated that the Australian E. canis belonged to the Taiwan genotype, comprised of samples from Taiwan, China, Thailand and Turkey. Taken together, our findings suggest that E. canis in Australia may have originated from Asia or the Middle East and spread throughout northern and central Australia following its introduction.

Rates of species formation vary widely across the tree of life and contribute to massive disparities in species richness among clades. This variation can emerge from differences in metapopulation-level processes that affect the rates at which lineages diverge, persist, and evolve reproductive barriers and ecological differentiation. For example, populations that evolve reproductive barriers quickly should form new species at faster rates than populations that acquire reproductive barriers more slowly. This expectation implicitly links microevolutionary processes (the evolution of populations) and macroevolutionary patterns (the profound disparity in speciation rate across taxa). Here, leveraging extensive field sampling from the Neotropical Cerrado biome in a biogeographically controlled natural experiment, we test the role of an important microevolutionary process—the propensity for population isolation—as a control on speciation rate in lizards and snakes. By quantifying population genomic structure across a set of codistributed taxa with extensive and phylogenetically independent variation in speciation rate, we show that broad-scale patterns of species formation are decoupled from demographic and genetic processes that promote the formation of population isolates. Population isolation is likely a critical stage of speciation for many taxa, but our results suggest that interspecific variability in the propensity for isolation has little influence on speciation rates. These results suggest that other stages of speciation—including the rate at which reproductive barriers evolve and the extent to which newly formed populations persist—are likely to play a larger role than population isolation in controlling speciation rate variation in squamates.

This study describes an optimized DNA extraction protocol targeting ultrashort DNA molecules from single rootless hairs. It was applied to the oldest samples available to us: locks of hairs that were found in relics associated with the Romanov family. Published mitochondrial DNA genome sequences of Tsar Nicholas II and his wife, Tsarina Alexandra, made these samples ideal to assess this DNA extraction protocol and evaluate the types of genetic information that can be recovered by sequencing ultrashort fragments. Using this method, the mtGenome of the Tsarina’s lineage was identified in hairs that were concealed in a pendant made by Karl Fabergé for Alexandra Feodorovna Romanov. In addition, to determine if the lock originated from more than one individual, two hairs from the locket were extracted independently and converted into Illumina libraries for shotgun sequencing on a NextSeq 500 platform. From these data, autosomal SNPs were analyzed to assess relatedness. The results indicated that the two hairs came from a single individual. Genetic testing of hairs that were found in the second artifact, a framed photograph of Louise of Hesse-Kassel, Queen of Denmark and maternal grandmother of Tsar Nicholas II, revealed that the hair belonged to a woman who shared Tsar Nicholas’ maternal lineage, including the well-known point heteroplasmy at position 16169.

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) persists in human B-cells by maintaining its chromatinized episomes within the nucleus. We have previously shown that cellular factor Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 (PARP1) binds the EBV genome, stabilizes CTCF binding at specific loci, and that PARP1 enzymatic activity correlates with maintaining a transcriptionally active latency program. To better understand PARP1’s role in regulating EBV latency, here we functionally characterize the effect of PARP enzymatic inhibition on episomal structure through in situ HiC mapping, generating a complete 3D structure of the EBV genome. We also map intragenomic contact changes after PARP inhibition to global binding of chromatin looping factors CTCF and cohesin across the EBV genome. We find that PARP inhibition leads to fewer total unique intragenomic interactions within the EBV episome, yet new chromatin loops distinct from the untreated episome are also formed. This study also illustrates that PARP inhibition alters gene expression at the regions where chromatin looping is most effected. We observe that PARP1 inhibition does not alter cohesin binding sites but does increase its frequency of binding at those sites. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that PARP has an essential role in regulating global EBV chromatin structure and latent gene expression.

Formalin fixation, albeit an outstanding method for morphological and molecular preservation, induces DNA damage and cross-linking, which can hinder nucleic acid screening. This is of particular concern in the detection of low-abundance targets, such as persistent DNA viruses. In the present study, we evaluated the analytical sensitivity of viral detection in lung, liver, and kidney specimens from four deceased individuals. The samples were either frozen or incubated in formalin (±paraffin embedding) for up to 10 days. We tested two DNA extraction protocols for the control of efficient yields and viral detections. We used short-amplicon qPCRs (63–159 nucleotides) to detect 11 DNA viruses, as well as hybridization capture of these plus 27 additional ones, followed by deep sequencing. We observed marginally higher ratios of amplifiable DNA and scantly higher viral genoprevalences in the samples extracted with the FFPE dedicated protocol. Based on the findings in the frozen samples, most viruses were detected regardless of the extended fixation times. False-negative calls, particularly by qPCR, correlated with low levels of viral DNA (<250 copies/million cells) and longer PCR amplicons (>150 base pairs). Our data suggest that low-copy viral DNAs can be satisfactorily investigated from FFPE specimens, and encourages further examination of historical materials.

Genomic-scale data for non-model taxa are providing new insights into landscape genomic structuring and species limits, leading to more informed conservation decisions, particularly in taxa with extremely restricted microhabitat preferences and small geographic distributions. This study applied sequence capture of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) to gather genomic-scale data for two federally endangered Texella harvester species distributed in Edwards Formation cave and karst habitats of central Texas, near Austin. We gathered UCE data for 51 T. reyesi specimens from 46 different caves, seven T. reddelli specimens from five caves, and from relevant outgroup species. For these UCE data we applied a combination of phylogenomic, multispecies coalescent phylogenetic, and single-nucleotide polymorphism machine-learning analyses. We found that samples of T. reddelli and T. reyesi together form a single clade in phylogenetic analyses, but that T. reddelli samples are not recovered as monophyletic. Instead, T. reddelli samples from three northern caves are embedded within a larger T. reyesi genetic clade. Significantly, the genetic structuring of all samples closely follows geologic barriers defined for the region and formalized as karst fauna regions (KFRs). One exception is the Jollyville Plateau KFR, which includes two divergent, non-sister genetic lineages. Levels of troglomorphy, here assessed by a simple scoring of corneal and retinal development, also closely follows clade (and geographic) boundaries, implying that divergent genetic lineages might also have distinct ecologies. Overall, our study has important taxonomic implications, is the first to explore (and validate) regional KFR boundaries using intraspecific genetic data, and provides essential data for future management decisions involving these federally endangered species.