Recent advances in phylogenomics allow for the use of large amounts of genetic information in phylogenetic inference. Ideally, the increased resolution and accuracy of such inferences facilitate improved understanding of macroevolutionary processes. Here, we integrate ultraconserved elements (UCEs) with fossil and biogeographic range data to explore diversification and geographic range evolution in the diverse turtle ant genus Cephalotes Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). We focus on the potential role of the uplift of the Panamanian land bridge and the putative ephemeral GAARlandia land bridge linking South America and the Antilles in shaping evolution in this group. Our phylogenetic analyses provide new resolution to the backbone of the turtle ant phylogeny. We further found that most geographic range shifts between South America and Central America regions were temporally consistent with the development of the Panamanian land bridge, while we did not find support for the GAARlandia land bridge. Additionally, we did not infer any shifts in diversification rates associated with our focal land bridges, or any other historical events (we inferred a single diversification rate regime across the genus). Our findings highlight the impact of the Panamanian land bridge for Cephalotes geographic range evolution as well as the influence of taxonomic sampling on macroevolutionary inferences.

Using genetic, morphological, and geographical evidence, we investigate the species-level taxonomy and evolutionary history of the Pseudomyrmex elongatulus group, a clade of ants distributed from southwestern United States to Costa Rica. Through targeted enrichment of 2,524 UCE (ultraconserved element) loci we generate a phylogenomic data set and clarify the phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of these ants. The crown group is estimated to have originated ~8 Ma, in Mexico and/or northern Central America, and subsequently expanded into southern Central America and the southwestern Nearctic. The P. elongatulus group contains a mix of low- and high-elevation species, and there were apparently multiple transitions between these habitat types. We uncover three examples of one species—of restricted or marginal geographical distribution—being embedded phylogenetically in another species, rendering the latter paraphyletic. One of these cases involves an apparent workerless social parasite that occurs sympatrically with its parent species, with the latter serving as host. This suggests a sympatric origin of the parasite species within the distribution range of its host. Species boundaries are tested using three molecular delimitation approaches (SODA, bPTP, BPP) but these methods generate inflated species estimates (26–46 species), evidently because of a failure to distinguish population structure from species differences. In a formal taxonomic revision of the P. elongatulus group, based on almost 3,000 specimens from ~625 localities, we allow for geographic variation within species and we employ distinctness-in-sympatry criteria for testing hypotheses about species limits. Under these guidelines we recognize 13 species, of which nine are new: P. arcanus, sp. nov. (western Mexico); P. capillatus, sp. nov. (western Mexico); P. cognatus, sp. nov. (Chiapas, Mexico to Nicaragua); P. comitator, sp. nov. (Chiapas, Mexico); P. ereptor, sp. nov. (Veracruz, Mexico); P. exoratus, sp. nov. (southeastern Mexico, Honduras); P. fasciatus, sp. nov. (Chiapas, Mexico to Costa Rica); P. nimbus, sp. nov. (Costa Rica); and P. veracruzensis, sp. nov. (Veracruz, Mexico). Our study highlights the value of combining phylogenomic, phenotypic, and geographical data to resolve taxonomic and evolutionary questions.

Family Cortinariaceae currently includes only one genus, Cortinarius, which is the largest Agaricales genus, with thousands of species worldwide. The species are important ectomycorrhizal fungi and form associations with many vascular plant genera from tropicals to arctic regions. Genus Cortinarius contains a lot of morphological variation, and its complexity has led many taxonomists to specialize in particular on infrageneric groups. The previous attempts to divide Cortinarius have been shown to be unnatural and the phylogenetic studies done to date have not been able to resolve the higher-level classification of the group above section level. Genomic approaches have revolutionized our view on fungal relationships and provide a way to tackle difficult groups. We used both targeted capture sequencing and shallow whole genome sequencing to produce data and to perform phylogenomic analyses of 75 single-copy genes from 19 species. In addition, a wider 5-locus analysis of 245 species, from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, was also done. Based on our results, a classification of the family Cortinariaceae into ten genera—Cortinarius, Phlegmacium, Thaxterogaster, Calonarius, Aureonarius, Cystinarius, Volvanarius, Hygronarius, Mystinarius, and Austrocortinarius—is proposed. Seven genera, 10 subgenera, and four sections are described as new to science and five subgenera are introduced as new combinations in a new rank. In addition, 41 section names and 514 species names are combined in new genera and four lecto- and epitypes designated. The position of Stephanopus in suborder Agaricineae remains to be studied. Targeted capture sequencing is used for the first time in fungal taxonomy in Basidiomycetes. It provides a cost-efficient way to produce -omics data in species-rich groups. The -omics data was produced from fungarium specimens up to 21 years old, demonstrating the value of museum specimens in the study of the fungal tree of life. This study is the first family revision in Agaricales based on genomics data and hopefully many others will soon follow.

The identity of the mummified Lady from the Barfüsser Church in Basel, Switzerland has been unsolved for decades, despite the prominent location of the burial place in front of the choir screen. A recent multidisciplinary research approach came up with a possible candidate, Anna Catharina Bischoff who died in Basel in 1787 with an age of 69 years (1719–1787). To verify the identity of the mummy, genealogists of the Citizen Science Basel discovered three living individuals of the maternal lineage of two different family branches, separated from Anna Catharina Bischoff by up to 22 generations. In this study we compare the ancient mitochondrial DNA of the mummy recovered from a premolar to the mitochondrial DNA of these three candidates. Initially the mitochondrial hypervariable regions I and II of the living individuals were screened using the Sanger sequencing method. This was followed by a mitochondrial capture approach and next generation sequencing to enrich for the whole mitochondrial genome of the mummy and one living person. A full mitochondrial genome has been recovered of both individuals sharing an identical haplotype. The sequence was assigned to the mitochondrial haplogroup U5a1+!16192 including two private mutations 10006G and 16293C. Only by using an interdisciplinary approach combining ancient DNA analysis and genealogy a maternal lineage of a non-noble family spanning 22 generations could be confirmed.

The evolutionary history of fungus-farming ants has been the subject of multiple morphological, molecular phylogenetic, and phylogenomic studies. Due to its rarity, however, the phylogenetic position, natural history, and fungal associations of the monotypic genus Paramycetophylax Kusnezov have remained enigmatic. Here we report the first excavations of colonies of Paramycetophylax bruchi (Santschi) and describe its nest architecture and natural history. Utilizing specimens from these collections, we generated ultraconservedelement (UCE) data to determine the evolutionary position of Paramycetophylax within the fungus-farming ants and ribosomal ‘fungal barcoding’ ITS sequence data to identify the fungal cultivar. A maximum-likelihood phylogenomic analysis indicates that the genus Paramycetophylax is the sister group of the yeast-cultivating Cyphomyrmex rimosus group, an unexpected result that renders the genus Cyphomyrmex Mayr paraphyletic. A Bayesian divergence-dating analysis indicates that Paramycetophylax diverged from its sister group around 36 mya (30–42 mya, HPD) in the late Eocene-early Oligocene, a period of global cooling, expansion of grasslands, and large-scale extinction of tropical organisms. Bayesian analysis of the fungal cultivar ITS gene fragment indicates that P. bruchi practices lower agriculture and that the cultivar grown by P. bruchi belongs to the Clade 1 group of lower-attine fungi, a clade that, interestingly, also includes the C. rimosus-group yeast cultivars. Based on these results, we conclude that a better understanding of P. bruchi and its fungal cultivar, including whole-genome data, is critical for reconstructing the origin of yeast agriculture, a major transition in the evolution of fungus-farming ants.

The genus Cryptopone Emery contains 25 species of litter and soil ants, 5 of which occur in the Americas. Cryptopone gilva (Roger) occurs in the southeastern United States and cloud forests of Mesoamerica, exhibiting an uncommon biogeographic disjunction observed most often in plants. We used phylogenomic data from ultraconserved elements (UCEs), as well as mitogenomes and legacy markers, to investigate phylogenetic relationships, species boundaries, and divergence dates among New World Cryptopone. Species delimitation was conducted using a standard approach and then tested using model-based molecular methods (SNAPP, BPP, SODA, and bPTP). We found that Cryptopone as currently constituted is polyphyletic, and that all the South American species belong to Wadeura Weber, a separate genus unrelated to Cryptopone. A single clade of true Cryptopone occurs in the Americas, restricted to North and Central America. This clade is composed of four species that originated ~4.2 million years ago. One species from the mountains of Guatemala is sister to the other three, favoring a vicariance hypothesis of diversification. The taxonomy of the New World Cryptopone and Wadeura is revised. Taxonomic changes are as follows: Wadeura Weber is resurrected, with new combinations W. guianensis Weber, W. holmgreni (Wheeler), and W. pauli (Fernandes & Delabie); C. guatemalensis (Forel) (rev. stat.) is raised to species and includes C. obsoleta (Menozzi) (syn. nov.). The following new species are described: Cryptopone gilvagrande, C. gilvatumida, and Wadeura holmgrenita. Cryptopone hartwigi Arnold is transferred to Fisheropone Schmidt and Shattuck (n. comb.). Cryptopone mirabilis (Mackay & Mackay 2010) is a junior synonym of Centromyrmex brachycola (Roger) (syn. nov.).

Uncovering the evolutionary history of the subfamilies Ectatomminae and Heteroponerinae, or ectaheteromorphs, is key to understanding a major branch of the ant tree of life. Despite their diversity and ecological importance, phylogenetic relationships in the group have not been well explored. One particularly suitable tool for resolving phylogeny is the use of ultraconserved elements (UCEs), which have been shown to be ideal markers at a variety of evolutionary time scales. In the present study, we enriched and sequenced 2,127 UCEs from 135 specimens of ectaheteromorph ants and investigated phylogeny using a variety of model-based phylogenomic methods.Trees recovered from partitioned maximum-likelihood and species-tree analyses were well resolved and largely congruent.The results are consistent with an expanded concept of Ectatomminae that now includes the subfamily Heteroponerinae new synonym and its single tribe Heteroponerini new combination. Eleven monophyletic groups are recognized as genera: Acanthoponera, Alfaria status revived, Boltonia Camacho and Feitosa new genus, Ectatomma, Gnamptogenys, Heteroponera, Holcoponera status revived, Poneracantha status revived, Rhytidoponera, Stictoponera status revived, and Typhlomyrmex. The new phylogenetic framework and classification proposed here will shed light on the study of Ectatomminae taxonomy and systematics, as well as on the morphological evolution of the groups that it comprises.

The majority of released rye cultivars are susceptible to leaf rust because of a low level of resistance in the predominant hybrid rye-breeding gene pools Petkus and Carsten. To discover new sources of leaf rust resistance, we phenotyped a diverse panel of inbred lines from the less prevalent Gülzow germplasm using six distinct isolates of Puccinia recondita f. sp. secalis and found that 55 out of 92 lines were resistant to all isolates. By performing a genome-wide association study using 261,406 informative SNP markers, we identified five resistance-associated QTLs on chromosome arms 1RS, 1RL, 2RL, 5RL and 7RS. To identify candidate Puccinia recondita (Pr) resistance genes in these QTLs, we sequenced the rye nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) intracellular immune receptor complement using a Triticeae NLR bait-library and PacBio® long-read single-molecule high-fidelity (HiFi) sequencing. Trait-genotype correlations across 10 resistant and 10 susceptible lines identified four candidate NLR-encoding Pr genes. One of these physically co-localized with molecular markers delimiting Pr3 on chromosome arm 1RS and the top-most resistance-associated QTL in the panel.

The utility of islands as natural laboratories of evolution is exemplified in the patterns of differentiation in widespread, phenotypically variable lineages. The whistlers (Aves: Pachycephalidae) are one of the most complex avian radiations, with a combination of widespread and locally endemic taxa spanning the vast archipelagos of the Indo-Pacific, making them an ideal group to study patterns and processes of diversification on islands. Here, we present a robust, species-level phylogeny of all five genera and 85% of species within Pachycephalidae, based on thousands of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) generated with a target-capture approach and high-throughput sequencing. We clarify phylogenetic relationships within Pachycephala and report on divergence timing and ancestral range estimation. We explored multiple biogeographic coding schemes that incorporated geological uncertainty in this complex region. The biogeographic origin of this group was difficult to discern, likely owing to aspects of dynamic Earth history in the Indo-Pacific. The Australo-Papuan region was the likely origin of crown-group whistlers, but the specific ancestral area could not be identified more precisely than Australia or New Guinea, and Wallacea may have played a larger role than previously realized in the evolutionary history of whistlers. Multiple independent colonizations of island archipelagos across Melanesia, Wallacea, and the Philippines contributed to the relatively high species richness of extant whistlers. This work refines our understanding of one of the regions’ most celebrated bird lineages and adds to our growing knowledge about the patterns and processes of diversification in the Indo-Pacific.