Strategies to cure HIV-infected patients by virus-targeting drugs have failed to date. We identified a HIV-1-seropositive woman who spontaneously suppressed HIV replication and had normal CD4-cell counts, no HIV-disease, no replication-competent virus and no cell HIV DNA detected with a routine assay. We suspected that dramatic HIV DNA degradation occurred post-infection. We performed multiple nested-PCRs followed by Sanger sequencing and applied a multiplex-PCR approach. Furthermore, we implemented a new technique based on two hybridization steps on beads prior to next-generation sequencing that removed human DNA then retrieved integrated HIV sequences with HIV-specific probes. We assembled ≈45% of the HIV genome and further analyzed the G-to-A mutations putatively generated by cellular APOBEC3 enzymes that can change tryptophan codons into stop codons. We found more G-to-A mutations in the HIV DNA from the woman than in that of her transmitting partner. Moreover, 74% of the tryptophan codons were changed to stop codons (25%) or were deleted as a possible consequence of gene inactivation. Finally, we found that this woman’s cells remained HIV-susceptible in vitro. Our findings show that she does not exhibit innate HIV-resistance but may have been cured of it by extrinsic factors, a plausible candidate for which is the gut microbiota.

The genera Empis Linneus, 1758 and Rhamphomyia Meigen, 1822 (Empidoidea, Empididae Latreille, 1809) are two large genera of flies commonly named dagger flies. They are widely distributed in the world with most species described from the Palearctic Region. Empis comprises about 810 described species and Rhamphomyia comprises about 610 described species, together they represent one third of the known species diversity in Empididae. Two recent studies on the phylogeny of the two genera using Sanger sequencing on a few genetic markers, did not support monophyly of them. In this study high throughput sequencing of target enriched molecular data of ultraconserved elements or UCEs was used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of included representatives of the genera. This method has proven useful on old and dry museum specimens with high amounts of degraded DNA, which was also tested herein. For this purpose, a commercially synthesized bait kit has previously been developed for Diptera which this study was the first one to test. Three out of nine old and dry museum specimens were successfully sequenced, one with an age of at least 154 years. Higher DNA concentration yielded a greater number of reads. Analyses conducted in the study confirmed that both Empis and Rhamphomyia are non-monophyletic.

Quaternary paleontological and archaeological evidence often is crucial for uncovering the historical mechanisms shaping modern diversity and distributions. We take an interdisciplinary approach using multiple lines of evidence to understand how past human activity has shaped long-term animal diversity in an island system. Islands afford unique opportunities for such studies given their robust fossil and archaeological records. Herein, we examine the only non-volant terrestrial mammal endemic to the Bahamian Archipelago, the hutia Geocapromys ingrahami. This capromyine rodent once inhabited many islands but is now restricted to several small cays. Radiocarbon dated fossils indicate that hutias were present on the Great Bahama Bank islands before humans arrived at AD ~800–1000; all dates from other islands post-date human arrival. Using ancient DNA from a subset of these fossils, along with modern representatives of Bahamian hutia and related taxa, we develop a fossil-calibrated phylogeny. We found little genetic divergence among individuals from within either the northern or southern Bahamas but discovered a relatively deep North-South divergence (~750 ka). This result, combined with radiocarbon dating and archaeological evidence, reveals a pre-human biogeographic divergence, and an unexpected human role in shaping Bahamian hutia diversity and biogeography across islands.

It can be challenging to identify the forces that drive speciation in marine environments for organisms that are capable of widespread dispersal because their contemporary distributions often belie the historical processes that were responsible for their initial diversification. In this contribution we explore the likely sequence of events responsible for the radiation of walking sharks in the genus Hemiscyllium using a dated molecular phylogeny. The nine currently recognised species in the genus consist of small, benthic sharks that are restricted to the Indo-Australian Archipelago and show limited dispersal at both juvenile and adult stages. We discuss how major tectonic changes, sea level fluctuations and the unique biology of the species may have influenced speciation in the group, as well as the current distribution of the genus and each of its constituent species. Phylogeographic analysis of the genus combined with biogeographic reconstruction of the region shows a recent radiation during the Miocene and Pliocene, and supports a combination of vicariance and founder modes of speciation mediated by major tectonic, geological and oceanographic historical processes.

Pteropods are planktonic gastropods that are considered as bio-indicators to monitor impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems. In order to gain insight into their adaptive potential to future environmental changes, it is critical to use adequate molecular tools to delimit species and population boundaries and to assess their genetic connectivity. We developed a set of target capture probes to investigate genetic variation across their large-sized genome using a population genomics approach. Target capture is less limited by DNA amount and quality than other genome-reduced representation protocols, and has the potential for application on closely related species based on probes designed from one species.

Highlighted publication: Canzio et al. (2019), Cell. Researchers used a myBaits kit to sequence low abundance transcripts from RNA-Seq libraries.

Presented at PAG 2020. The myBaits Wheat Exome capture kit, developed in collaboration with the IWGSC, successfully enriches exomes from wheat.

Presented at PAG 2020. R-gene enrichment sequencing (RenSeq) was employed for NLR genes in Arachis stenosperma, Glycine max and Musa acuminata.