Premise Seed dispersal allows plants to colonize new sites and contributes to gene flow among populations. Despite its fundamental importance to ecological and evolutionary processes, our understanding of seed dispersal is limited due to the difficulty of directly observing dispersal events. This is particularly true for the majority of plant species that are considered to have gravity as their primary dispersal mechanism. The potential for long-distance movement of gravity-dispersed seeds by secondary dispersal vectors is rarely evaluated. Methods We employ whole-genome assays of maternally inherited cpDNA in Plagiobothrys nothofulvus to resolve patterns of genetic variation due to effective (realized) seed dispersal within a 16 hectare prairie that is characterized by a mosaic of habitat types. We evaluate the effects of microgeographic landscape features extracted from micro-UAV aerial surveys on patterns of seed dispersal using landscape genetics methods. Results We found evidence of high resistance to seed-mediated gene flow (effective dispersal) within patches of Plagiobothrys nothofulvus, and strong genetic structure over distances of less than 20 m. Geographic distance was a poor predictor of dispersal distance, while landscape features had stronger influences on patterns of dispersal (distance and direction of seed movement). Patterns of dispersal were best predicted by the combined distribution of flower patches, habitat type, and the network of vole runways, with the latter explaining the largest proportion of variation in the model. Conclusions Our results suggest that primary dispersal occurs mostly within microhabitats and infrequent secondary dispersal may occur over longer distances due to the activity of small mammals and other vertebrates.

As a dispersive lineage expands its distribution across a heterogeneous landscape, it leaves behind allopatric populations with varying degrees of geographic isolation that often differentiate rapidly. In the case of oceanic islands, even narrowly separated populations often differentiate, which seems contrary to the highly dispersive nature of the founding lineage. This pattern of highly dispersive lineages differentiating across narrow sea barriers has perplexed biologists for more than a century. We used two reduced-representation genomic datasets to examine the diversification of a recent, rapid geographic radiation, the white-eyes (Aves: Zosterops) of the Solomon Islands. We incorporated methods that targeted phylogenetic structure, population structure, and explicit tests for gene flow. Both data sets showed evidence of gene flow among species, but not involving the closely spaced islands in the New Georgia Group. Instead, gene flow has occurred among the larger islands in the archipelago, including those recently connected by land bridges as well as those isolated by large expanses of deep ocean. Populations separated by shallow seas, and connected by land bridges during glacial cycles, ranged from no differentiation to both phenotypic and genomic differentiation. These complex patterns of gene flow and divergence support a model of rapid geographic radiation in which lineages differentially evolve dispersal disparity and phenotypic differences. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

Abstract. In higher plants sexual and asexual reproduction through seeds (apomixis) have evolved as alternative strategies. Evolutionary advantages leading to

Environmental DNA (eDNA) provides a promising supplement to traditional sampling methods for population genetic inferences, but current studies have almost entirely focused on short mitochondrial markers. Here, we develop one mitochondrial and one nuclear set of target capture probes for the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) and test them on seawater samples collected in Qatar to investigate the potential of target capture for eDNA-based population studies. The mitochondrial target capture successfully retrieved 235x (90x-352x per base position) coverage of the whale shark mitogenome. Using a minor allele frequency of 5%, we find 29 variable sites throughout the mitogenome, indicative of at least five contributing individuals. We also retrieved numerous mitochondrial reads from an abundant non-target species mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis), showing a clear relation between sequence similarity to the capture probes and the number of captured reads. The nuclear target capture probes retrieved only few reads and polymorphic variants from the whale shark, but we successfully obtained millions of reads and thousands of polymorphic variants with different allele frequencies from E. affinis. We demonstrate that target capture of complete mitochondrial genomes and thousands of nuclear loci is possible from aquatic eDNA samples. Our results highlight that careful probe design, taking into account the range of divergence between target and non-target sequences as well as presence of non-target species at the sampling site, is crucial to consider. Environmental DNA sampling coupled with target capture approaches provide an efficient means with which to retrieve population genomic data from aggregating and spawning aquatic species.

Mycobacterium leprae, the causative agent of leprosy, is an unculturable bacterium with a considerably reduced genome (3.27 Mb) compared to homologues mycobacteria from the same ancestry. In 2001, the genome of M. leprae was first described and subsequently four genotypes (1–4) and 16 subtypes (A–P) were identified providing means to study global transmission patterns for leprosy. In order to understand the role of asymptomatic carriers we investigated M. leprae carriage as well as infection in leprosy patients (n = 60) and healthy household contacts (HHC; n = 250) from Bangladesh using molecular detection of the bacterial element RLEP in nasal swabs (NS) and slit skin smears (SSS). In parallel, to study M. leprae genotype distribution in Bangladesh we explored strain diversity by whole genome sequencing (WGS) and Sanger sequencing. In the studied cohort in Bangladesh, M. leprae DNA was detected in 33.3% of NS and 22.2% of SSS of patients with bacillary index of 0 whilst in HHC 18.0% of NS and 12.3% of SSS were positive. The majority of the M. leprae strains detected in this study belonged to genotype 1D (55%), followed by 1A (31%). Importantly, WGS allowed the identification of a new M. leprae genotype, designated 1B-Bangladesh (14%), which clustered separately between the 1A and 1B strains. Moreover, we established that the genotype previously designated 1C, is not an independent subtype but clusters within the 1D genotype. Intraindividual differences were present between the M. leprae strains obtained including mutations in hypermutated genes, suggesting mixed colonization/infection or in-host evolution. In summary, we observed that M. leprae is present in asymptomatic contacts of leprosy patients fueling the concept that these individuals contribute to the current intensity of transmission. Our data therefore emphasize the importance of sensitive and specific tools allowing post-exposure prophylaxis targeted at M. leprae-infected or -colonized individuals.

Papillomaviruses infect the skin and mucosal surfaces of diverse animal hosts with consequences ranging from asymptomatic colonization to highly malignant epithelial cancers. Increasing evidence suggests a role for papillomaviruses in the most common cutaneous malignancy of domestic cats, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Using total DNA sequencing we identified a novel feline papillomavirus in a nasal biopsy taken from a cat presenting with both nasal cavity lymphoma and recurrent squamous cell carcinoma affecting the nasal planum. We designate this novel virus as Felis catus papillomavirus 6 (FcaPV6). The complete FcaPV6 7453 bp genome was similar to those of other feline papillomaviruses and phylogenetic analysis revealed that it was most closely related to FcaPV3, although was distinct enough to represent a new viral type. Classification of FcaPV6 in a new genus alongside FcaPVs 3, 4 and 5 is supported. Archived excisional biopsy of the SCC, taken 20 months prior to presentation, was intensely positive on p16 immunostaining. FcaPV6, amplified using virus-specific, but not consensus, PCR, was the only papillomavirus detected in DNA extracted from the SCC. Conversely, renal lymphoma, sampled at necropsy two months after presentation, tested negative on FcaPV6-specific PCR. In sum, using metagenomics we demonstrate the presence of a novel feline papillomavirus in association with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

Thanks to the development of high-throughput sequencing technologies, target enrichment sequencing of nuclear ultraconserved DNA elements (UCEs) now allows routine inference of phylogenetic relationships from thousands of genomic markers. Recently, it has been shown that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is frequently sequenced alongside the targeted loci in such capture experiments. Despite its broad evolutionary interest, mtDNA is rarely assembled and used in conjunction with nuclear markers in capture-based studies. Here, we developed MitoFinder, a user-friendly bioinformatic pipeline, to efficiently assemble and annotate mitogenomic data from hundreds of UCE libraries. As a case study, we used ants (Formicidae) for which 501 UCE libraries have been sequenced whereas only 29 mitogenomes are available. We compared the efficiency of four different assemblers (IDBA-UD, MEGAHIT, MetaSPAdes, and Trinity) for assembling both UCE and mtDNA loci. Using MitoFinder, we show that metagenomic assemblers, in particular MetaSPAdes, are well suited to assemble both UCEs and mtDNA. Mitogenomic signal was successfully extracted from all 501 UCE libraries, allowing us to confirm species identification using CO1 barcoding. Moreover, our automated procedure retrieved 296 cases in which the mitochondrial genome was assembled in a single contig, thus increasing the number of available ant mitogenomes by an order of magnitude. By utilizing the power of metagenomic assemblers, MitoFinder provides an efficient tool to extract complementary mitogenomic data from UCE libraries, allowing testing for potential mitonuclear discordance. Our approach is potentially applicable to other sequence capture methods, transcriptomic data and whole genome shotgun sequencing in diverse taxa. The MitoFinder software is available from GitHub (

Premise Discordance between nuclear and organellar phylogenies (cytonuclear discordance) is a well-documented phenomenon at shallow evolutionary levels but has been poorly investigated at deep levels of plant phylogeny. Determining the extent of cytonuclear discordance across major plant lineages is essential not only for elucidating evolutionary processes, but also for evaluating the currently used framework of plant phylogeny, which is largely based on the plastid genome. Methods We present a phylogenomic examination of a major angiosperm clade (Asteridae) based on sequence data from the nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial genomes as a means of evaluating currently accepted relationships inferred from the plastome and exploring potential sources of genomic conflict in this group. Results We recovered at least five instances of well-supported cytonuclear discordance concerning the placements of major asterid lineages (i.e., Ericales, Oncothecaceae, Aquifoliales, Cassinopsis, and Icacinaceae). We attribute this conflict to a combination of incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization, the latter supported in part by previously inferred whole-genome duplications. Conclusions Our results challenge several long-standing hypotheses of asterid relationships and have implications for morphological character evolution and for the importance of ancient whole-genome duplications in early asterid evolution. These findings also highlight the value of reevaluating broad-scale angiosperm and green-plant phylogeny with nuclear genomic data.

Abstract. Incongruence among phylogenetic results has become a common occurrence in analyses of genome-scale data sets. Incongruence originates from uncertainty

The members of the Temnothorax salvini (Forel) species group are rarely collected, arboreally nesting ants of Central American forests. Previously thought to consist of two broadly dispersed species, recent collections have revealed a diversity of specimens that defy the two-species salvini group concept, but these are difficult to distinguish from each other based solely on morphology. I contrast several model-based approaches to species delimitation based on target-enriched genomic data. With molecular data from thousands of ultraconserved elements (UCEs), mitochondrial genome sequences and morphometric data, I use an integrated approach to species delimitation within the salvini group. Morphometric data were analysed using cluster analysis of principal component analysis (PCA) output. I use several popular methods of molecular species delimitation, including bPTP, BPP and STACEY, using a novel approach to filtering UCE data based on posterior predictive checks of nucleotide substitution model adequacy. In addition, I use iBPP to integrate morphometric PCA data and filtered UCE data in a ‘total evidence’ analysis. I use geographical range data for an independent contrast to discriminate among competing species delimitation hypotheses. Furthermore, I investigate the evolutionary timescale and biogeographical history of the group and find that it arose roughly 13 Ma ago in habitats associated with present day mid-to-high elevations of the mountain complex spanning southern Mexico to northern Nicaragua. In addition, dispersal of the salvini group into the Southern Sierra Madre in Mexico, lowland habitats and the southern Central American cordilleras in Costa Rica and Panama subsequent to mountain building in southern Central America 5–8 Ma ago appears to follow a taxon-cycle dynamic, with the lowland-adapted T. aztecus representing the most recent expansion phase. I find that the salvini group, which previously contained two named species, is composed of nine, all of which are morphologically diagnosable a posteriori.