High-throughput DNA sequencing (HTS) presents great opportunities for plant systematics, yet genomic complexity needs to be reduced for HTS to be effectively applied. We highlight Hyb-Seq as a promising approach, especially in light of the recent development of probes enriching 353 low-copy nuclear genes from any flowering plant taxon.

We developed and characterised a highly mutagenised TILLING population of the barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivar Golden Promise. Golden Promise is the ‘reference’ genotype for barley transformation and a primary objective of using this cultivar was to be able to genetically complement observed mutations directly in order to prove gene function. Importantly, a reference genome assembly of Golden Promise has also recently been developed. As our primary interest was to identify mutations in genes involved in meiosis and recombination, to characterise the population we focused on a set of 46 genes from the literature that are possible meiosis gene candidates.

Summary Infectious disease is both a major force of selection in nature and a prime cause of yield loss in agriculture. In plants, disease resistance is often conferred by nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins, intracellular immune receptors that recognize pathogen proteins and their effects on the host. Consistent with extensive balancing and positive selection, NLRs are encoded by one of the most variable gene families in plants, but the true extent of intraspecific NLR diversity has been unclear. Here, we define a nearly complete species-wide pan-NLRome in Arabidopsis thaliana based on sequence enrichment and long-read sequencing. The pan-NLRome largely saturates with approximately 40 well-chosen wild strains, with half of the pan-NLRome being present in most accessions. We chart NLR architectural diversity, identify new architectures, and quantify selective forces that act on specific NLRs and NLR domains. Our study provides a blueprint for defining pan-NLRomes.

Detarioideae is well known for its high diversity of floral traits, including flower symmetry, number of organs, and petal size and morphology. This diversity has been characterized and studied at higher taxonomic levels, but limited analyses have been performed among closely related genera with contrasting floral traits due to the lack of fully resolved phylogenetic relationships. Here, we used four representative transcriptomes to develop an exome capture (target enrichment) bait for the entire subfamily and applied it to the Anthonotha clade using a complete data set (61 specimens) representing all extant floral diversity. Our phylogenetic analyses recovered congruent topologies using ML and Bayesian methods. Anthonotha was recovered as monophyletic contrary to the remaining three genera (Englerodendron, Isomacrolobium and Pseudomacrolobium), which form a monophyletic group sister to Anthonotha. We inferred a total of 35 transitions for the seven floral traits (pertaining to flower symmetry, petals, stamens and staminodes) that we analyzed, suggesting that at least 30% of the species in this group display transitions from the ancestral condition reconstructed for the Anthonotha clade. The main transitions were towards a reduction in the number of organs (petals, stamens and staminodes). Despite the high number of transitions, our analyses indicate that the seven characters are evolving independently in these lineages. Petal morphology is the most labile floral trait with a total of seven independent transitions in number and seven independent transitions to modification in petal types. The diverse petal morphology along the dorsoventral axis of symmetry within the flower is not associated with differences at the micromorphology of petal surface, suggesting that in this group all petals within the flower might possess the same petal identity at the molecular level. Our results provide a solid evolutionary framework for further detailed analyses of the molecular basis of petal identity.

Known for its remarkable biodiversity and high levels of endemism, the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest has been characterized as one of the most threatened biomes on the planet. Despite strong interest in recent years, we still lack a comprehensive scenario to explain the origin and maintenance of diversity in this region, partially given the relatively low power of analyses involving few independent genetic loci. In this study, we examine a phylogenomic dataset of five ant species to investigate phylogeographical patterns across the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We sequenced ultraconserved elements to generate hundreds of loci using a bait set developed specifically for hymenopterans. We analyzed the data using Bayesian and maximum likelihood approaches of phylogenetic inference. Results were then integrated with environmental niche modeling of current and past climates, including the Last Glacial Maximum and the last interglacial period. The studied species showed differentiation patterns that were consistent with the north/south division of the Atlantic Rainforest indicated in previous studies for other taxa. However, there were differences among species, both in the location of phylogeographic breaks and in the pattern of genetic variation within these areas. Samples from southern localities tended to show recent genetic structure, although a site in Tapiraí (state of São Paulo) repeatedly showed an intriguing older history of differentiation. All species experienced shifts in areas of suitability through the time. Our study suggests that distinct groups may have responded idiosyncratically to the climatic changes that took place in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The amount of intraspecific genetic structure was related to the inferred geographical distribution of habitat suitability according to current and past times. Also, a parallel between the amount of Quaternary climatic suitability and the level of interspecific differentiation was detected for four species. Finally, despite strong contractions at the northeastern region of the forest, the remaining areas appear to have been able to act as refugia.

The sunflower family, Asteraceae, comprises 10% of all flowering plant species and displays an incredible diversity of form. Asteraceae are clearly monophyletic, yet resolving phylogenetic relationships within the family has proven difficult, hindering our ability to understand its origin and diversification. Recent molecular clock dating has suggested a Cretaceous origin, but the lack of deep sampling of many genes and representative taxa from across the family has impeded the resolution of migration routes and diversifications that led to its global distribution and tremendous diversity. Here we use genomic data from 256 terminals to estimate evolutionary relationships, timing of diversification(s), and biogeographic patterns. Our study places the origin of Asteraceae at ∼83 MYA in the late Cretaceous and reveals that the family underwent a series of explosive radiations during the Eocene which were accompanied by accelerations in diversification rates. The lineages that gave rise to nearly 95% of extant species originated and began diversifying during the middle Eocene, coincident with the ensuing marked cooling during this period. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses support a South American origin of the family with subsequent dispersals into North America and then to Asia and Africa, later followed by multiple worldwide dispersals in many directions. The rapid mid-Eocene diversification is aligned with the biogeographic range shift to Africa where many of the modern-day tribes appear to have originated. Our robust phylogeny provides a framework for future studies aimed at understanding the role of the macroevolutionary patterns and processes that generated the enormous species diversity of Asteraceae.

Natural history collections are increasingly valued as genomic resources. Their specimens reflect the combined efforts of collectors and curators over hundreds of years. For many rare or endangered species, specimens are the only readily available source of DNA. We leveraged specimens from a historical collection to study the evolutionary history of wood-partridges in the genus Dendrortyx. The three Dendrortyx species are found in the highlands of central Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica. One of these species is endangered, and in general, Dendrortyx are secretive and poorly represented in tissue collections. We extracted DNA from historical museum specimens and sequenced ultraconserved elements (UCEs) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to assess their phylogeny and divergence times. Phylogenies built from hundreds to thousands of nuclear markers were well resolved and largely congruent with an mtDNA phylogeny. The divergence times revealed an unusually old avian divergence across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in the Pliocene around 3.6 million years ago. Combined with other recent studies, our results challenge the general pattern that highland bird divergences in Mesoamerica are relatively young and influenced by the Pleistocene glacial cycles compared to the older divergences of reptiles and plants, which are thought to overlap more with periods of mountain formation. We also found evidence for monophyletic genetic lineages in mountain ranges within the widespread D. macroura, which should be investigated further with integrative taxonomic methods. Our study demonstrates the power of museum genomics to provide insight into the evolutionary histories of groups where modern samples are lacking.

Myotragus balearicus was the last living representative of an extinct caprine lineage endemic to the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean), which became extinct following the arrival of humans around 4300 years ago. The tribal attribution of Myotragus based on morphological analyses has been complicated due to its unusual morphological characteristics, though most studies agree on its inclusion within Caprini (also including modern sheep and goats). Analyses of short fragments of ancient mitochondrial DNA have suggested Ovis (comprising extant sheep) as sister taxon to Myotragus, although other authors have suggested alternative placements within Caprini using the same data. In the present study, we present a complete high-depth mitochondrial genome of M. balearicus, which allowed us to test the previously proposed Ovis/Myotragus clade and revealed a closer relationship between Myotragus and the takin (Budorcas taxicolor). The results of our molecular clock analyses suggested that the split between Myotragus and Budorcas occurred around 7.1 Mya, which is compatible with the arrival of the ancestor of Myotragus to the Balearic Islands during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.97–5.33 Mya). We also conducted a preliminary phylogeographic analysis of M. balearicus in Mallorca, which revealed weak spatial and temporal structure within the population during the Holocene.