Showing their stripes The adaptive radiation of East African cichlids has led to more than 1200 species across a number of lakes. Across these species, many convergent traits have emerged, including the presence or absence of horizontal stripes. Kratochwil et al. show that the appearance or loss of stripes is related to changes in the agouti-related peptide 2 gene, which acts as a kind of on-off switch for stripe generation (see the Perspective by Gante). This action has enabled rapid and repeated evolution of stripes across this speciose radiation. Science, this issue p. 457; see also p. 396 The color patterns of African cichlid fishes provide notable examples of phenotypic convergence. Across the more than 1200 East African rift lake species, melanic horizontal stripes have evolved numerous times. We discovered that regulatory changes of the gene agouti-related peptide 2 (agrp2) act as molecular switches controlling this evolutionarily labile phenotype. Reduced agrp2 expression is convergently associated with the presence of stripe patterns across species flocks. However, cis-regulatory mutations are not predictive of stripes across radiations, suggesting independent regulatory mechanisms. Genetic mapping confirms the link between the agrp2 locus and stripe patterns. The crucial role of agrp2 is further supported by a CRISPR-Cas9 knockout that reconstitutes stripes in a nonstriped cichlid. Thus, we unveil how a single gene affects the convergent evolution of a complex color pattern. A genetic switch that can turn horizontal stripe production on or off in East African cichlids is dissected. A genetic switch that can turn horizontal stripe production on or off in East African cichlids is dissected.

Previous molecular studies on the phylogeny and classification of clupeocephalan fishes revealed numerous new taxonomic entities. For re-analysing these taxa, we perform target gene capturing and subsequent next generation sequencing of putative ortholog exons of major clupeocephalan lineages. Sequence information for the RNA bait design was derived from publicly available genomes of bony fishes. Newly acquired sequence data comprising > 800 exon sequences was subsequently used for phylogenetic reconstructions.

Target enrichment of conserved genomic regions facilitates collecting sequences of many orthologous loci from non-model organisms to address phylogenetic, phylogeographic, population genetic, and molecular evolution questions. Bait sets for sequence capture can simultaneously target thousands of loci, which opens new avenues of research on speciose groups. Current phylogenetic hypotheses on the >103,000 species of Hemiptera have failed to unambiguously resolve major nodes, suggesting that alternative datasets and more thorough taxon sampling may be required to resolve relationships. We here use a recently designed ultraconserved element (UCE) bait set for Hemiptera, with a focus on the suborder Heteroptera, or the true bugs, to test previously proposed relationships. We present newly generated UCE data for 36 samples representing three suborders, all seven heteropteran infraorders, 23 families, and 34 genera of Hemiptera and one thysanopteran outgroup. To improve taxon sampling, we also mined additional UCE loci in silico from published hemipteran genomic and transcriptomic data. We obtained 2,271 UCE loci for newly sequenced hemipteran taxa, ranging from 265 to 1,696 (average 904) per sample. These were similar in number to the data mined from transcriptomes and genomes, but with fewer loci overall. The amount of missing data correlates with greater phylogenetic divergence from taxa used to design the baits. This bait set hybridizes to a wide range of hemipteran taxa and specimens of varying quality, including dried specimens as old as 1973. Our estimated phylogeny yielded topologies consistent with other studies for most nodes and was strongly-supported. We also demonstrate that UCE loci are almost exclusively from the transcribed portion of the genome, thus data can be successfully integrated with existing genomic and transcriptomic resources for more comprehensive phylogenetic sampling, an important feature in the era of phylogenomics. UCE approaches can be used by other researchers for additional studies on hemipteran evolution and other research that requires well resolved phylogenies.

The oomycete pathogens Phytophthora infestans and P. capsici cause significant crop losses world-wide, threatening food security. In each case, pathogenicity factors, called RXLR effectors, contribute to virulence. Some RXLRs are perceived by resistance proteins to trigger host immunity, but our understanding of the demographic processes and adaptive evolution of pathogen virulence remains poor.

For millennia, the Pontic-Caspian steppe was a connector between the Eurasian steppe and Europe. In this scene, multidirectional and sequential movements of different populations may have occurred, including those of the Eurasian steppe nomads. We sequenced 35 genomes (low to medium coverage) of Bronze Age individuals (Srubnaya-Alakulskaya) and Iron Age nomads (Cimmerians, Scythians, and Sarmatians) that represent four distinct cultural entities corresponding to the chronological sequence of cultural complexes in the region. Our results suggest that, despite genetic links among these peoples, no group can be considered a direct ancestor of the subsequent group. The nomadic populations were heterogeneous and carried genetic affinities with populations from several other regions including the Far East and the southern Urals. We found evidence of a stable shared genetic signature, making the eastern Pontic-Caspian steppe a likely source of western nomadic groups. Bronze and Iron Age genomes from the West Eurasian steppe reveal genetic heterogeneity and origins in the southern Urals. Bronze and Iron Age genomes from the West Eurasian steppe reveal genetic heterogeneity and origins in the southern Urals.

Reconstructing phylogenetic relationships at the micro- and macroevoutionary levels within the same tree is problematic because of the need to use different data types and analytical frameworks. We test the power of target enrichment to provide phylogenetic resolution based on DNA sequences from above species to within populations, using a large herbarium sampling and Euphorbia balsamifera (Euphorbiaceae) as a case study.

Two increasingly popular approaches to reconstruct the Tree of Life involve whole transcriptome sequencing and the target capture of ultraconserved elements (UCEs). Both methods can be used to generate large, multigene datasets for analysis of phylogenetic relationships in non-model organisms. While targeted exon sequencing across divergent lineages is now a standard method, it is still not clear if UCE data can be readily combined with published transcriptomes. In this study, we evaluate the combination of UCEs and transcriptomes in a single analysis using genome-, transcriptome-, and UCE data for 79 bees in the largest and most biologically diverse bee family, Apidae. Using existing tools, we first developed a workflow to assemble phylogenomic data from different sources and produced two large nucleotide matrices of combined data. We then reconstructed the phylogeny of the Apidae using concatenation- and coalescent-based methods, and critically evaluated the resulting phylogenies in the context of previously published genetic, genomic, and morphological data sets. Our estimated phylogenetic trees are robustly supported and largely congruent with previous molecular hypotheses, from deep nodes to shallow species-level phylogenies. Moreover, the combined approach allows us to resolve controversial nodes of the apid Tree of Life, by clarifying the relationships among the genera of orchid bees (Euglossini) and the monophyly of the Centridini. Additionally, we present novel phylogenetic evidence supporting the monophyly of the diverse clade of cleptoparasitic Apidae and the placement of two enigmatic, oil-collecting genera (Ctenoplectra and Tetrapedia). Lastly, we propose a revised classification of the family Apidae that reflects our improved understanding of apid higher-level relationships.