The phylogeny of the Phasianidae (pheasants, partridges, and allies) has been studied extensively. However, these studies have largely ignored three enigmatic genera because of scarce DNA source material and limited overlapping phylogenetic data: blood pheasants (Ithaginis), snow partridges (Lerwa), and long-billed partridges (Rhizothera). Thus, phylogenetic positions of these three genera remain uncertain in what is otherwise a well-resolved phylogeny. Previous studies using different data types place Lerwa and Ithaginis in similar positions, but the absence of overlapping data means the relationship between them could not be inferred. Rhizothera was originally described in the genus Perdix (true partridges), although a partial cytochrome b (CYB) sequence suggests it is sister to Pucrasia (koklass pheasant). To identify robust relationships among Ithaginis, Lerwa, Rhizothera, and their phasianid relatives, we used 3692 ultra-conserved element (UCE) loci and complete mitogenomes from 19 species including previously hypothesized relatives of the three focal genera and representatives from all major phasianid clades. We used DNA extracted from historical specimen toepads for species that lacked fresh tissue in museum collections. Maximum likelihood and multispecies coalescent UCE analyses strongly supported Lerwa sister to a large clade which included Ithaginis at its base, and also including turkey, grouse, typical pheasants, tragopans, Pucrasia, and Perdix. Rhizothera was also in this clade, sister to a diverse group comprising Perdix, typical pheasants, Pucrasia, turkey and grouse. Mitogenomic genealogies differed from UCEs topologies, supporting a sister relationship between Ithaginis and Lerwa rather than a grade. The position of Rhizothera using mitogenomes depended on analytical choices. Unpartitioned and codon-based analyses placed Rhizothera sister to a tragopan clade, whereas a partitioned DNA model of the mitogenome was congruent with UCE results. In all mitogenome analyses, Pucrasia was sister to a clade including Perdix and the typical pheasants with high support, in contrast to UCEs and published nuclear intron data. Due to the strong support and consistent topology provided by all UCE analyses, we have identified phylogenetic relationships of these three enigmatic, poorly-studied, phasianid taxa.

The detection and typing of Vibrio cholerae in natural aquatic environments encounter major methodological challenges related to the fact that the bacterium is often present in environmental matrices at very low abundance in nonculturable state. This study applied, for the first time to our knowledge, a whole-genome enrichment (WGE) and next-generation sequencing (NGS) approach for direct genotyping and metagenomic analysis of low abundant V. cholerae DNA (<50 genome unit/L) from natural water collected in the Morogoro river (Tanzania). The protocol is based on the use of biotinylated RNA baits for target enrichment of V. cholerae metagenomic DNA via hybridization. An enriched V. cholerae metagenome library was generated and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq platform. Up to 1.8 × 107 bp (4.5× mean read depth) were found to map against V. cholerae reference genome sequences representing an increase of about 2500 times in target DNA coverage compared to theoretical calculations of performance for shotgun metagenomics. Analysis of metagenomic data revealed the presence of several V. cholerae virulence and virulence associated genes in river water including major virulence regions (e.g. CTX prophage and Vibrio pathogenicity island-1) and genetic markers of epidemic strains (e.g. O1-antigen biosynthesis gene cluster) that were not detectable by standard culture and molecular techniques. Overall, besides providing a powerful tool for direct genotyping of V. cholerae in complex environmental matrices, this study provides a ‘proof of concept’ on the methodological gap that might currently preclude a more comprehensive understanding of toxigenic V. cholerae emergence from natural aquatic environments.

The arrival of bison in North America marks one of the most successful large-mammal dispersals from Asia within the last million years, yet the timing and nature of this event remain poorly determined. Here, we used a combined paleontological and paleogenomic approach to provide a robust timeline for the entry and subsequent evolution of bison within North America. We characterized two fossil-rich localities in Canada’s Yukon and identified the oldest well-constrained bison fossil in North America, a 130,000-y-old steppe bison, Bison cf. priscus. We extracted and sequenced mitochondrial genomes from both this bison and from the remains of a recently discovered, ∼120,000-y-old giant long-horned bison, Bison latifrons, from Snowmass, Colorado. We analyzed these and 44 other bison mitogenomes with ages that span the Late Pleistocene, and identified two waves of bison dispersal into North America from Asia, the earliest of which occurred ∼195–135 thousand y ago and preceded the morphological diversification of North American bison, and the second of which occurred during the Late Pleistocene, ∼45–21 thousand y ago. This chronological arc establishes that bison first entered North America during the sea level lowstand accompanying marine isotope stage 6, rejecting earlier records of bison in North America. After their invasion, bison rapidly colonized North America during the last interglaciation, spreading from Alaska through continental North America; they have been continuously resident since then.

Summary Targeted enrichment of conserved genomic regions is a popular method for collecting large amounts of sequence data from non?model taxa for phylogenetic, phylogeographic and population genetic studies. For example, two available bait sets each allow enrichment of thousands of orthologous loci from >20 000 species (Faircloth et al. Systematic Biology, 61, 717?726, 2012; Molecular Ecology Resources, 15, 489?501, 2015). Unfortunately, few open?source workflows are available to identify conserved genomic elements shared among divergent taxa and to design enrichment baits targeting these regions. Those that do exist require extensive bioinformatics expertise and significant amounts of time to use. These shortcomings limit the application of targeted enrichment methods to additional organismal groups. Here, I describe a universal workflow for identifying conserved genomic regions in available genomic data and for designing targeted enrichment baits to collect data from these conserved regions. These methods require less expertise, less time and better use commonly available information to identify conserved loci and design baits to capture them. I apply this computational approach to the understudied arthropod groups Arachnida, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera or Lepidoptera to identify thousands of conserved loci in each group and design target enrichment baits to capture these loci. I then use in silico analyses to demonstrate that targeted enrichment of the conserved loci can be used to reconstruct the accepted relationships among genome sequences from the focal arthropod orders. The software workflow I created allowed me to identify thousands of conserved loci in five diverse arthropod groups and design sequence capture baits to target them. This suite of capture bait designs should enable collection of phylogenomic data from >900 000 arthropod species. Although the examples in this manuscript focus on understudied arthropod groups, the approach I describe is applicable to all organismal groups having some form of pre?existing genomic information (e.g. other invertebrates, plants, fungi and microbes). Finally, the documentation, design steps, software code and bait sets developed here are available under an open?source license for restriction?free testing, use, and additional modification by any research group.

Recent aDNA studies are progressively focusing on various Neolithic and Hunter – Gatherer (HG) populations, providing arguments in favor of major migrations accompanying European Neolithisation. The major focus was so far on the Linear Pottery Culture (LBK), which introduced the Neolithic way of life in Central Europe in the second half of 6th millennium BC. It is widely agreed that people of this culture were genetically different from local HGs and no genetic exchange is seen between the two groups. From the other hand some degree of resurgence of HGs genetic component is seen in late Neolithic groups belonging to the complex of the Funnel Beaker Cultures (TRB). Less attention is brought to various middle Neolithic cultures belonging to Late Danubian sequence which chronologically fall in between those two abovementioned groups. We suspected that genetic influx from HG to farming communities might have happened in Late Danubian cultures since archaeologists see extensive contacts between those two communities.


Abstract— Wake Atoll is an isolated chain of three islets located in the Western Pacific. Included in its endemic flora is a representative of the genus Gossypium colloquially referred to as Wake Island cotton. Stanley G. Stephens pointed out that “Wake Island cotton does not resemble closely either the Caribbean or other Pacific forms.” Taking into consideration morphological distinctions, the geographic isolation of Wake Atoll, and newly generated molecular data presented here, we conclude that the cottons of Wake Atoll do in fact represent a new species of Gossypium, here named Gossypium stephensii . This name is chosen to commemorate the eminent natural historian, evolutionary geneticist, and cotton biologist, S. G. Stephens.

Population genetic studies of nonmodel organisms frequently employ reduced representation library (RRL) methodologies, many of which rely on protocols in which genomic DNA is digested by one or more restriction enzymes. However, because high molecular weight DNA is recommended for these protocols, samples with degraded DNA are generally unsuitable for RRL methods. Given that ancient and historic specimens can provide key temporal perspectives to evolutionary questions, we explored how custom-designed RNA probes could enrich for RRL loci (Restriction Enzyme-Associated Loci baits, or REALbaits). Starting with genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) data generated on modern common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) specimens, we designed 20 000 RNA probes to target well-characterized genomic loci in herbarium voucher specimens dating from 1835 to 1913. Compared to shotgun sequencing, we observed enrichment of the targeted loci at 19- to 151-fold. Using our GBS capture pipeline on a data set of 38 herbarium samples, we discovered 22 813 SNPs, providing sufficient genomic resolution to distinguish geographic populations. For these samples, we found that dilution of REALbaits to 10% of their original concentration still yielded sufficient data for downstream analyses and that a sequencing depth of ~7m reads was sufficient to characterize most loci without wasting sequencing capacity. In addition, we observed that targeted loci had highly variable rates of success, which we primarily attribute to similarity between loci, a trait that ultimately interferes with unambiguous read mapping. Our findings can help researchers design capture experiments for RRL loci, thereby providing an efficient means to integrate samples with degraded DNA into existing RRL data sets.

The performance of hybridization capture combined with next-generation sequencing (NGS) has seen limited investigation with samples from hot and arid regions until now. We applied hybridization capture and shotgun sequencing to recover DNA sequences from bone specimens of ancient-domestic dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) and its extinct ancestor, the wild dromedary from Jordan, Syria, Turkey and the Arabian Peninsula, respectively. Our results show that hybridization capture increased the percentage of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) recovery by an average 187-fold and in some cases yielded virtually complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes at multifold coverage in a single capture experiment. Furthermore, we tested the effect of hybridization temperature and time by using a touchdown approach on a limited number of samples. We observed no significant difference in the number of unique dromedary mtDNA reads retrieved with the standard capture compared to the touchdown method. In total, we obtained 14 partial mitochondrial genomes from ancient-domestic dromedaries with 17–95% length coverage and 1.27–47.1-fold read depths for the covered regions. Using whole-genome shotgun sequencing, we successfully recovered endogenous dromedary nuclear DNA (nuDNA) from domestic and wild dromedary specimens with 1–1.06-fold read depths for covered regions. Our results highlight that despite recent methodological advances, obtaining ancient DNA (aDNA) from specimens recovered from hot, arid environments is still problematic. Hybridization protocols require specific optimization, and samples at the limit of DNA preservation need multiple replications of DNA extraction and hybridization capture as has been shown previously for Middle Pleistocene specimens.