Next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS) allow systematists to amass a wealth of genomic data from non-model species for phylogenetic resolution at various temporal scales. However, phylogenetic inference for many lineages dominated by non-model species has not yet benefited from NGS, which can complement Sanger sequencing studies. One such lineage, whose phylogenetic relationships remain uncertain, is the diverse, agriculturally important and charismatic Coreoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Given the lack of consensus on higher-level relationships and the importance of a robust phylogeny for evolutionary hypothesis testing, we use a large data set comprised of hundreds of ultraconserved element (UCE) loci to infer the phylogeny of Coreoidea (excluding Stenocephalidae and Hyocephalidae), with emphasis on the families Coreidae and Alydidae. We generated three data sets by including alignments that contained loci sampled for at least 50%, 60%, or 70% of the total taxa, and inferred phylogeny using maximum likelihood and summary coalescent methods. Twenty-six external morphological features used in relatively comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of coreoids were also re-evaluated within our molecular phylogenetic framework. We recovered 439–970 loci per species (16%–36% of loci targeted) and combined this with previously generated UCE data for 12 taxa. All data sets, regardless of analytical approach, yielded topologically similar and strongly supported trees, with the exception of outgroup relationships and the position of Hydarinae. We recovered a monophyletic Coreoidea, with Rhopalidae highly supported as the sister group to Alydidae + Coreidae. Neither Alydidae nor Coreidae were monophyletic; the coreid subfamilies Hydarinae and Pseudophloeinae were recovered as more closely related to Alydidae than to other coreid subfamilies. Coreinae were paraphyletic with respect to Meropachyinae. Most morphological traits were homoplastic with several clades defined by few, if any, synapomorphies. Our results demonstrate the utility of phylogenomic approaches in generating robust hypotheses for taxa with long-standing phylogenetic problems and highlight that novel insights may come from such approaches.

Genomic tools are lacking for invasive and native populations of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). Our objective was to discover single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci to conduct pedigree analyses to quantify reproductive contributions of adult sea lampreys and dispersion of sibling larval sea lampreys of different ages in Great Lakes tributaries. Additional applications of data were explored using additional geographically expansive samples. We used restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq) to discover genetic variation in Duffins Creek (DC), Ontario, Canada, and the St. Clair River (SCR), Michigan, USA. We subsequently developed RAD capture baits to genotype 3,446 RAD loci that contained 11,970 SNPs. Based on RAD capture assays, estimates of variance in SNP allele frequency among five Great Lakes tributary populations (mean FST 0.008; range 0.00–0.018) were concordant with previous microsatellite-based studies; however, outlier loci were identified that contributed substantially to spatial population genetic structure. At finer scales within streams, simulations indicated that accuracy in genetic pedigree reconstruction was high when 200 or 500 independent loci were used, even in situations of high spawner abundance (e.g., 1,000 adults). Based on empirical collections of larval sea lamprey genotypes, we found that age-1 and age-2 families of full and half-siblings were widely but nonrandomly distributed within stream reaches sampled. Using the genomic scale set of SNP loci developed in this study, biologists can rapidly genotype sea lamprey in non-native and native ranges to investigate questions pertaining to population structuring and reproductive ecology at previously unattainable scales.

Natural history collections play a crucial role in biodiversity research and museum specimens are increasingly being incorporated into modern genetics-based studies. Sequence capture methods have proven incredibly useful for phylogenomics, providing the additional ability to sequence historical museum specimens with highly degraded DNA, which until recently have been deemed less valuable for genetic work. The successful sequencing of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) from historical museum specimens has been demonstrated on multiple tissue types including dried bird skins, formalin-fixed squamates, and pinned insects. However, no study has thoroughly demonstrated this approach for historical ethanol-preserved museum specimens. Alongside sequencing of “fresh” specimens preserved in >95% ethanol and stored at -80 ºC, we used extraction techniques specifically designed for degraded DNA coupled with sequence capture protocols to sequence UCEs from historical museum specimens preserved in 70–80% ethanol and stored at room temperature, the standard for such ethanol-preserved museum collections. Across 35 fresh and 15 historical museum samples of the arachnid order Opiliones, an average of 345 UCE loci were included in phylogenomic matrices, with museum samples ranging from 6–495 loci. We successfully demonstrate the inclusion of historical ethanol-preserved museum specimens in modern sequence capture phylogenomic studies, show high frequency of variant bases at the species and population-level, and from off-target reads successfully recover multiple loci traditionally sequenced in multi-locus studies including mitochondrial loci and nuclear rRNA loci. The methods detailed in this study will allow researchers to potentially acquire genetic data from millions of ethanol-preserved museum specimens held in collections worldwide. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Abstract. New study systems and tools are needed to understand how divergence and speciation occur between lineages with gene flow. Migratory birds often exhib

Determining species distributions can be extremely challenging but is crucial to ecological and conservation research. Environmental DNA (eDNA) approaches have shown particular promise in aquatic systems for several vertebrate and invertebrate species. For terrestrial animals, however, eDNA-based surveys are considerably more difficult due to the lack of or difficulty in obtaining appropriate sampling substrate. In water-limited ecosystem where terrestrial mammals are often forced to congregate at waterholes, water and sediment from shared water sources may be a suitable substrate for non-invasive eDNA approaches. We characterized mitochondrial DNA sequences from a broad range of terrestrial mammal species in two different African ecosystems (in Namibia and Tanzania) using eDNA isolated from native water, sediment, and water filtered through glass fiber filters. A hybridization capture enrichment with RNA probes targeting the mitochondrial genomes of 38 mammal species representing the genera/families expected at the respective ecosystems was employed, and 16 species were identified, with a maximum mitogenome coverage of 99.8%. Conventional genus-specific PCRs were tested on environmental samples for two genera produced fewer positive results than hybridization capture enrichment. An experiment with mock samples using DNA from non-African mammals showed that baits covering 30% of non-target mitogenomes produced 91% mitogenome coverage after capture. In the mock samples, over-representation of DNA of one species still allowed for the detection of DNA of other species that was at a 100-fold lower concentration. Hybridization capture enrichment of eDNA is therefore an effective method for monitoring terrestrial mammal species from shared water sources. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Understanding the evolutionary mechanisms that affect the genetic divergence between diadromous and resident populations across heterogeneous environments is a challenging task. While diadromy may promote gene flow leading to a lack of genetic differentiation among populations, resident populations tend to be affected by local adaptation and/or plasticity. Studies on these effects on genomic divergence in non-model amphidromous species are scarce. Galaxias maculatus, one of the most widespread fish species in the Southern Hemisphere, exhibits two life histories, an ancestral diadromous, specifically, amphidromous form and a derived freshwater resident form. We examined the genetic diversity and divergence among 20 estuarine and resident populations across the Chilean distribution of G. maculatus and assessed the extent to which selection is involved in the differentiation among resident populations. We obtained nearly 4400 SNP markers using a RADcap approach for 224 individuals. As expected, collections from estuarine locations typically consist of diadromous individuals. Diadromous populations are highly differentiated from their resident counterparts by both neutral and putative adaptive markers. While diadromous populations exhibit high gene flow and lack site fidelity, resident populations appear to be the product of different colonization events with relatively low genetic diversity and varying levels of gene flow. In particular, the northernmost resident populations were clearly genetically distinct and reproductively isolated from each other suggesting local adaptation. Our study provides insights into the role of life history differences in the maintenance of genetic diversity and the importance of genetic divergence in species evolution.

The Neotropical region represents one of the greatest biodiversity hot spots on earth. Despite its unparalleled biodiversity, regional comparative phylogeographic studies are still scarce, with most focusing on model clades (e.g. birds) and typically examining a handful of loci. Here, we apply a genome-wide comparative phylogeographic approach to test hypotheses of codiversification of freshwater fishes in the trans-Andean region. Using target capture methods, we examined exon data for over 1,000 loci combined with complete mitochondrial genomes to study the phylogeographic history of five primary fish species (>150 individuals) collected from eight major river basins in Northwestern South America and Lower Central America. To assess their patterns of genetic structure, we inferred genealogical concordance taking into account all major aspects of phylogeography (within loci, across multiple genes, across species and among biogeographic provinces). Based on phylogeographic concordance factors, we tested four a priori biogeographic hypotheses, finding support for three of them and uncovering a novel, unexpected pattern of codiversification. The four emerging inter-riverine patterns are as follows: (a) Tuira + Atrato, (b) Ranchería + Catatumbo, (c) Magdalena system and (d) Sinú + Atrato. These patterns are interpreted as shared responses to the complex uplifting and orogenic processes that modified or sundered watersheds, allowing codiversification and speciation over geological time. We also find evidence of cryptic speciation in one of the species examined and instances of mitochondrial introgression in others. These results help further our knowledge of the historical geographic factors shaping the outstanding biodiversity of the Neotropics.

Species abundance data are critical for testing ecological theory, but obtaining accurate empirical estimates for many taxa is challenging. Proxies for species abundance can help researchers circumvent time and cost constraints that are prohibitive for long-term sampling. Under simple demographic models, genetic diversity is expected to correlate with census size, such that genome-wide heterozygosity may provide a surrogate measure of species abundance. We tested whether nucleotide diversity is correlated with long-term estimates of abundance, occupancy and degree of ecological specialization in a diverse lizard community from arid Australia. Using targeted sequence capture, we obtained estimates of genomic diversity from 30 species of lizards, recovering an average of 5,066 loci covering 3.6 Mb of DNA sequence per individual. We compared measures of individual heterozygosity to a metric of habitat specialization to investigate whether ecological preference exerts a measurable effect on genetic diversity. We find that heterozygosity is significantly correlated with species abundance and occupancy, but not habitat specialization. Demonstrating the power of genomic sampling, the correlation between heterozygosity and abundance/occupancy emerged from considering just one or two individuals per species. However, genetic diversity does no better at predicting abundance than a single day of traditional sampling in this community. We conclude that genetic diversity is a useful proxy for regional-scale species abundance and occupancy, but a large amount of unexplained variation in heterozygosity suggests additional constraints or a failure of ecological sampling to adequately capture variation in true population size.

Objectives: Dental calculus is among the richest known sources of ancient DNA in the archaeological record. Although most DNA within calculus is microbial, it has been shown to contain sufficient human DNA for the targeted retrieval of whole mitochondrial genomes. Here, we explore whether calculus is also a viable substrate for whole human genome recovery using targeted enrichment techniques.