The new myTXTL Antibody/DS Kit enables rapid, cell-free expression of antibody constructs.
Presented at PAG 2023. The myBaits target capture system is by design universally compatible with virtually any NGS workflow, short- or long-read.
Presented at PAG 2023. myTags® Custom probes utilize sophisticated design to eliminate nonspecific elements that BAC-derived probes typically retain.
Presented at CSHL Genome Organization meeting 2022. myTags ISH probes overcome many technical challenges associated with genomic-derived alternatives.
Presented at PAG 2020. The myBaits Wheat Exome capture kit, developed in collaboration with the IWGSC, successfully enriches exomes from wheat.
Presented at PAG 2020. R-gene enrichment sequencing (RenSeq) was employed for NLR genes in Arachis stenosperma, Glycine max and Musa acuminata.
Presented at SEED (Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution, & Design) 2019.
Sequencing of target enriched libraries is an efficient method for obtaining DNA sequence data for phylogenetic reconstruction.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
(d/b/a Daicel Arbor Biosciences)
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