Highlighted publication: do Vale Martins et al. (2019), Nature Communications.

Target-specific DNA Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (DNA FISH) is a powerful technique for the
detection of specific chromosomal loci.

myTXTL can produce a range of biocatalysts with diverse functions, sizes, and cofactor requirements much faster than traditional in vivo expression.

The design-build-test cycle has been rapidly accelerated by using in vitro protein expression systems, also known as cell-free protein expression.

Coupling the Swift Accel-NGS® Methyl-Seq Library Preparation and Daicel Arbor Biosciences myBaits® Custom Methyl-Seq Systems

Resistance gene transcript enrichment sequencing (cDNA RenSeq) is a cost-effective method of discovering and quantifying NLR genes.

Hybridization capture is the most versatile technique for comprehensive, cost-effective sequencing of both viruses and bacteria in complex samples.

Highlighted publication: Guitor et al. (2019), Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy. Researchers used myBaits to sequence AMR genes in complex samples.

Using the Echo 525 Liquid Handler in combination with myTXTL provides rapid high-throughput processing, flexibility, and reproducibility.

Workflow of SRSLY RNA library preparation plus myBaits detects down to 10 SARS-CoV-2 viral copies and enables accurate variant identification.