The rails (Family Rallidae) are the most diverse and widespread group in the Gruiformes. Their extensive fossil history, global geographic distribution, and tendency to rapidly evolve flightless species on islands make them an attractive subject of evolutionary studies, but the rarity of modern museum specimens of so many rail species has, until recently, limited the scope of molecular phylogenetics studies. As a result, the classification of rails remains one of the most unsettled among major bird radiations. We extracted DNA from museum specimens of 82 species, including 27 from study skins collected as long ago as 1875, and generated nucleotide sequences from thousands of homologous ultra-conserved elements (UCEs). Our phylogenetic analyses, using both concatenation and multispecies coalescent approaches, resulted in well-supported and highly congruent phylogenies that resolve the major lineages of rails and reveal several currently recognized genera to be polyphyletic. A fossil-calibrated time tree is well-resolved and supports the hypothesis that rails split into 2 major lineages (subfamilies Himantornithinae and Rallinae) ~34 mya, but clade age estimates have wide confidence intervals. Our results, combined with results of other recently published phylogenomics studies of rails and other Gruiformes, form the basis for a proposed classification of the Rallidae that recognizes 40 genera in 9 tribes.• Rails are a diverse, globally distributed group of birds that are of great interest to ornithologists that study fossil birds and the evolution of flightless species on islands. But because so many rail species are rare or extinct, studying rail evolution using genomic data requires that DNA be obtained from very old museum specimens.• We extracted DNA from museum specimens, including study skins of rare and extinct species collected as long ago as 1875, and generated DNA sequences from thousands of genes.• The DNA-based phylogeny indicates that rails underwent an initial split into 2 groups ~34 mya, and that 9 major extant rail lineages have evolved since then.• Our genetic analyses clarify the relationships of some enigmatic species that have not been studied with DNA before and are the basis for a revised taxonomic classification of rails.

The sustainability of many crops is hindered by the lack of genomic resources and a poor understanding of natural genetic diversity. Particularly, application of modern breeding requires high-density linkage maps that are integrated into a highly contiguous reference genome. Here, we present a rapid method for deriving haplotypes and developing linkage maps, and its application to Mentha suaveolens, one of the diploid progenitors of cultivated mints. Using sequence-capture via DNA hybridization to target single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we successfully genotyped ∼5,000 SNPs within the genome of > 400 individuals derived from a self cross. After stringent quality control, and identification of non-redundant SNPs, 1,919 informative SNPs were retained for linkage map construction. The resulting linkage map defined a total genetic space of 942.17 cM divided among 12 linkage groups, ranging from 56.32 to 122.61 cM in length. The linkage map is in good agreement with pseudomolecules from our preliminary genome assembly, proving this resource effective for the correction and validation of the reference genome. We discuss the advantages of this method for the rapid creation of linkage maps.

Reports of P. vivax infections among Duffy-negative hosts have accumulated throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Despite this growing body of evidence, no nationally representative epidemiological surveys of P. vivax in sub-Saharan Africa have been performed. To overcome this gap in knowledge, we screened over 17,000 adults in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) for P. vivax using samples from the 2013-2014 Demographic Health Survey. Overall, we found a 2.97% (95% CI: 2.28%, 3.65%) prevalence of P. vivax infections across the DRC. Infections were associated with few risk-factors and demonstrated a relatively flat distribution of prevalence across space with focal regions of relatively higher prevalence in the north and northeast. Mitochondrial genomes suggested that DRC P. vivax were distinct from circulating non-human ape strains and an ancestral European P. vivax strain, and instead may be part of a separate contemporary clade. Our findings suggest P. vivax is diffusely spread across the DRC at a low prevalence, which may be associated with long-term carriage of low parasitemia, frequent relapses, or a general pool of infections with limited forward propagation.

Technological advances in genome sequencing have improved our ability to catalog genomic variation and led to an expansion of the scope and scale of genetic studies. Yet, for agronomically important plant pathogens such as the downy-mildews the scale of genetic studies remains limited. This is, in part, due to the difficulties associated with maintaining obligate pathogens, and the logistical constraints involved in the genotyping of these species. To study the genetic variation of two Pseudoperonospora species (P. cubensis and P. humuli), we describe a targeted enrichment (TE) protocol able to genotype isolates using less than 50 ng of mixed pathogen and plant DNA for library preparation. We enriched 830 target genes across 128 samples and identified 2,514 high-quality SNP variants. We detected significant genetic differentiation (p=0.01) between P. cubensis subpopulations from Cucurbita moschata (clade I) and Cucumis sativus (clade II) in Michigan. No evidence of location-based differentiation was detected within the P. cubensis (clade II) subpopulation. A significant effect of location on the genetic variation of the P. humuli subpopulation was detected in the state (p=0.01). Mantel tests found evidence that the genetic distance among P. humuli samples was associated with the physical distance of the hop yards from which the samples were collected (p=0.005). The differences in the distribution of genetic variation of the P. humuli and P. cubensis subpopulations of Michigan suggest differences in the dispersal of these two species. Our TE protocol provides an additional tool for genotyping obligate pathogens and the execution of new genetic studies.

It is established that for CRISPR-Cas9 applications guide RNAs with 17–20 bp long spacer sequences are optimal for accurate target binding and cleavage. In this work we perform cell-free CRISPRa (CRISPR activation) and CRISPRi (CRISPR inhibition) experiments to demonstrate the existence of a complex dependence of CRISPR-Cas9 binding as a function of the spacer length and complementarity. Our results show that significantly truncated or mismatched spacer sequences can form stronger guide–target bonds than the conventional 17–20 bp long spacers. To explain this phenomenon, we take into consideration previous structural and single-molecule CRISPR-Cas9 experiments and develop a novel thermodynamic model of CRISPR-Cas9 target recognition.

In the past decade, hybridization capture has gained attention within the forensic field for its possible use in human identification. One of the prim…

Reliable estimation of phylogeny is central to avoid inaccuracy in downstream macroevolutionary inferences. However, limitations exist in the implementation of concatenated and summary coalescent approaches, and Bayesian and full coalescent inference methods may not yet be feasible for computation of phylogeny using complicated models and large data sets. Here, we explored methodological (e.g., optimality criteria, character sampling, model selection) and biological (e.g., heterotachy, branch length heterogeneity) sources of systematic error that can result in biased or incorrect parameter estimates when reconstructing phylogeny by using the gadiform fishes as a model clade. Gadiformes include some of the most economically important fishes in the world (e.g., Cods, Hakes, and Rattails). Despite many attempts, a robust higher-level phylogenetic framework was lacking due to limited character and taxonomic sampling, particularly from several species-poor families that have been recalcitrant to phylogenetic placement. We compiled the first phylogenomic data set, including 14,208 loci ($>$2.8 M bp) from 58 species representing all recognized gadiform families, to infer a time-calibrated phylogeny for the group. Data were generated with a gene-capture approach targeting coding DNA sequences from single-copy protein-coding genes. Species-tree and concatenated maximum-likelihood (ML) analyses resolved all family-level relationships within Gadiformes. While there were a few differences between topologies produced by the DNA and the amino acid data sets, most of the historically unresolved relationships among gadiform lineages were consistently well resolved with high support in our analyses regardless of the methodological and biological approaches used. However, at deeper levels, we observed inconsistency in branch support estimates between bootstrap and gene and site coefficient factors (gCF, sCF). Despite numerous short internodes, all relationships received unequivocal bootstrap support while gCF and sCF had very little support, reflecting hidden conflict across loci. Most of the gene-tree and species-tree discordance in our study is a result of short divergence times, and consequent lack of informative characters at deep levels, rather than incomplete lineage sorting. We use this phylogeny to establish a new higher-level classification of Gadiformes as a way of clarifying the evolutionary diversification of the order. We recognize 17 families in five suborders: Bregmacerotoidei, Gadoidei, Ranicipitoidei, Merluccioidei, and Macrouroidei (including two subclades). A time-calibrated analysis using 15 fossil taxa suggests that Gadiformes evolved $sim $79.5 Ma in the late Cretaceous, but that most extant lineages diverged after the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction (66 Ma). Our results reiterate the importance of examining phylogenomic analyses for evidence of systematic error that can emerge as a result of unsuitable modeling of biological factors and/or methodological issues, even when data sets are large and yield high support for phylogenetic relationships. [Branch length heterogeneity; Codfishes; commercial fish species; Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg); heterotachy; systematic error; target enrichment.]

Viruses closely related to human pathogens can reveal the origins of human infectious diseases. Human herpes simplexvirus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) are hypothesized to have arisen via host-virus codivergence and cross-species transmission. We report the discovery of novel herpes simplexviruses during a large-scale screening of fecal samples from wild gorillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that, contrary to expectation, simplexviruses from these African apes are all more closely related to HSV-2 than to HSV-1. Molecular clock-based hypothesis testing suggests the divergence between HSV-1 and the African great ape simplexviruses likely represents a codivergence event between humans and gorillas. The simplexviruses infecting African great apes subsequently experienced multiple cross-species transmission events over the past 3 My, the most recent of which occurred between humans and bonobos around 1 Ma. These findings revise our understanding of the origins of human herpes simplexviruses and suggest that HSV-2 is one of the earliest zoonotic pathogens.