As one of the oldest known human diseases, leprosy or Hansen’s disease remains a public health concern around the world with over 200 000 new cases in 2018. Most human leprosy cases are caused by Mycobacterium leprae, but a small number of cases are now known to be caused by Mycobacterium lepromatosis, a sister taxon of M. leprae. The global pattern of genomic variation in M. leprae is not well defined. Particularly, in the Pacific Islands, the origins of leprosy are disputed. Historically, it has been argued that leprosy arrived on the islands during nineteenth century colonialism, but some oral traditions and palaeopathological evidence suggest an older introduction. To address this, as well as investigate patterns of pathogen exchange across the Pacific Islands, we extracted DNA from 39 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded biopsy blocks dating to 1992–2016. Using whole-genome enrichment and next-generation sequencing, we produced nine M. leprae genomes dating to 1998–2015 and ranging from 4-63× depth of coverage. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that these strains belong to basal lineages within the M. leprae phylogeny, specifically falling in branches 0 and 5. The phylogeographical patterning and evolutionary dating analysis of these strains support a pre-modern introduction of M. leprae into the Pacific Islands.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Insights into health and disease from ancient biomolecules’.
The ‘red complex’ is an aggregate of three oral bacteria (Tannerella forsythia, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola) responsible for severe clinical manifestation of periodontal disease. Here, we report the first direct evidence of ancient T.forsythia DNA in dentin and dental calculus samples from archaeological skeletal remains that span from the Pre-Hispanic to the Colonial period in Mexico. We recovered twelve partial ancient T. forsythia genomes and observed a distinct phylogenetic placement of samples, suggesting that the strains present in Pre-Hispanic individuals likely arrived with the first human migrations to the Americas and that new strains were introduced with the arrival of European and African populations in the sixteenth century. We also identified instances of the differential presence of genes between periods in the T. forsythia ancient genomes, with certain genes present in Pre-Hispanic individuals and absent in Colonial individuals, and vice versa. This study highlights the potential for studying ancient T. forsythia genomes to unveil past social interactions through analysis of disease transmission. Our results illustrate the long-standing relationship between this oral pathogen and its human host, while also unveiling key evidence to understand its evolutionary history in Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Mexico.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Insights into health and disease from ancient biomolecules’.
Accurate methods for tracking individuals are crucial to the success of fisheries and aquaculture management. Management of migratory salmonid populations, which are important for the health of many economies, ecosystems, and indigenous cultures, is particularly dependent on data gathered from tagged fish. However, the physical tagging methods currently used have many challenges including cost, variable marker retention, and information limited to tagged individuals. Genetic tracking methods combat many of the problems associated with physical tags, but have their own challenges including high cost, potentially difficult marker design, and incompatibility of markers across species. Here we show the feasibility of a new genotyping method for parent-based tagging (PBT), where individuals are tracked through the inherent genetic relationships with their parents. We found that Rapture sequencing, a combination of restriction-site associated DNA and capture sequencing, provides sufficient data for parentage assignment. Additionally, the same capture bait set, which targets specific restriction-site associated DNA loci, can be used for both Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. We input 248 single nucleotide polymorphisms from 1,121 samples to parentage assignment software and compared parent-offspring relationships of the spawning pairs recorded in a hatchery. Interestingly, our results suggest sperm contamination during hatchery spawning occurred in the production of 14% of offspring, further confirming the need for genetic tagging in accurately tracking individuals. PBT with Rapture successfully assigned progeny to parents with a 98.86% accuracy with sufficient genetic data. Cost for this pilot study was approximately $3 USD per sample. As costs vary based on the number of markers used and individuals sequenced, we expect that when implemented at a large-scale, per sample costs could be further decreased. We conclude that Rapture PBT provides a cost-effective and accurate alternative to the physical coded wire tags, and other genetic-based methods.
Taxonomic progress is often hindered by intrinsic factors, such as morphologically cryptic species that require a broad suite of methods to distinguish, and extrinsic factors, such as uncertainties in the allocation of scientific names to species. These uncertainties can be due to a wide variety of factors, including old and poorly preserved type specimens (which contain only heavily degraded DNA or have lost important diagnostic characters), inappropriately chosen type specimens (e.g. juveniles without diagnostic characters) or poorly documented type specimens (with unprecise, incorrect, or missing locality data). Thanks to modern sequencing technologies it is now possible to overcome many such extrinsic factors by sequencing DNA from name-bearing type specimens of uncertain assignment and assigning these to known genetic lineages. Here, we apply this approach to frogs of the Mantidactylus ambreensis complex, which was recently shown to consist of two genetic lineages supported by concordant differentiation in mitochondrial and nuclear genes. These lineages co-occur on the Montagne dʼAmbre Massif in northern Madagascar but appear to have diverged in allopatry. We use a recently published bait set based on three mitochondrial markers from all known Malagasy frog lineages to capture DNA sequences from the 127-year-old holotype of Mantidactylus ambreensis Mocquard, 1895. With the obtained sequences we are able to assign the name M. ambreensis to the lowland lineage, which is rather widespread in the rainforests of northern Madagascar, leaving the microendemic high-elevation lineage on Montagne d’Ambre in north Madagascar in need of description. We describe this species as Mantidactylus ambony sp. nov., differing from M. ambreensis in call parameters and a smaller body size. Thus, using target enrichment to obtain DNA sequence data from this old specimen, we were able to resolve the extrinsic (nomenclatural) hindrances to taxonomic resolution of this complex. We discuss the broad-scale versatility of this ‘barcode fishing’ approach, which can draw on the enormous success of global DNA barcoding initiatives to quickly and efficiently assign type specimens to lineages.
The southern boundary of prehispanic farming in South America occurs in central Mendoza Province, Argentina at approximately 34 degrees south latitude. Archaeological evidence of farming includes the recovery of macrobotanical remains of cultigens and isotopic chemistry of human bone. Since the 1990s, archaeologists have also hypothesized that the llama (Lama glama), a domesticated South American camelid, was also herded near the southern boundary of prehispanic farming. The remains of a wild congeneric camelid, the guanaco (Lama guanicoe), however, are common in archaeological sites throughout Mendoza Province. It is difficult to distinguish bones of the domestic llama from wild guanaco in terms of osteological morphology, and therefore, claims that llama were in geographic areas where guanaco were also present based on osteometric analysis alone remain equivocal. A recent study, for example, claimed that twenty-five percent of the camelid remains from the high elevation Andes site of Laguna del Diamante S4 were identified based on osteometric evidence as domestic llama, but guanaco are also a likely candidate since the two species overlap in size. We test the hypothesis that domesticated camelids occurred in prehispanic, southern Mendoza through analysis of ancient DNA. We generated whole mitochondrial genome datasets from 41 samples from southern Mendoza late Holocene archaeological sites, located between 450 and 3400 meters above sea level (masl). All camelid samples from those sites were identified as guanaco; thus, we have no evidence to support the hypothesis that the domestic llama occurred in prehispanic southern Mendoza.
Cas12a enzymes are quickly being adopted for use in a variety of genome-editing applications. These programmable nucleases are part of adaptive microbial immune systems, the natural diversity of which has been largely unexplored. Here, we identified novel families of Type V-A CRISPR nucleases through a large-scale analysis of metagenomes collected from a variety of complex environments, and developed representatives of these systems into geneediting platforms. The nucleases display extensive protein variation and can be programmed by a single-guide RNA with specific motifs. The majority of these enzymes are part of systems recovered from uncultivated organisms, some of which also encode a divergent Type V effector. Biochemical analysis uncovered unexpected protospacer adjacent motif diversity, indicating that these systems will facilitate a variety of genome-engineering applications. The simplicity of guide sequences and activity in human cell lines suggest utility in gene and cell therapies.
The impacts of invasive species on biodiversity may be mitigated or exacerbated by abiotic environmental changes. Invasive plants can restructure soil fungal communities with important implications for native biodiversity and nutrient cycling, yet fungal responses to invasion may depend on numerous anthropogenic stressors. In this study, we experimentally invaded a long-term soil warming and simulated nitrogen deposition experiment with the widespread invasive plant Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) and tested the responses of soil fungal communities to invasion, abiotic factors, and their interaction. We focused on the phytotoxic garlic mustard because it suppresses native mycorrhizae across forests of North America. We found that invasion in combination with warming, but not under ambient conditions or elevated nitrogen, significantly reduced soil fungal biomass and ectomycorrhizal relative abundances and increased relative abundances of general soil saprotrophs and fungal genes encoding for hydrolytic enzymes. These results suggest that warming potentially exacerbates fungal responses to plant invasion. Soils collected from uninvaded and invaded plots across eight forests spanning a 4 °C temperature gradient further demonstrated that the magnitude of fungal responses to invasion was positively correlated with mean annual temperature. Our study is one of the first empirical tests to show that the impacts of invasion on fungal communities depends on additional anthropogenic pressures and were greater in concert with warming than under elevated nitrogen or ambient conditions.
Abstract. Bees of the tribes Biastini, Neolarrini, and Townsendiellini are cleptoparasites in the subfamily Nomadinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae) and parasitize solit
Phylogenetic inference and species delimitation can be challenging in taxonomic groups that have recently radiated and where introgression produces conflicting gene trees, especially when species delimitation has traditionally relied on mitochondrial data and color pattern. Chromodoris, a genus of colorful and toxic nudibranch in the Indo-Pacific, has been shown to have extraordinary cryptic diversity and mimicry, and has recently radiated, ultimately complicating species delimitation. In these cases, additional genome-wide data can help improve phylogenetic resolution and provide important insights about evolutionary history. Here, we employ a transcriptome-based exon capture approach to resolve Chromodoris phylogeny with data from 2,925 exons and 1,630 genes, derived from 15 nudibranch transcriptomes. We show that some previously identified mimics instead show mitonuclear discordance, likely deriving from introgression or mitochondrial capture, but we confirm one “pure” mimic in Western Australia. Sister–species relationships and species-level entities were recovered with high support in both concatenated maximum likelihood (ML) and summary coalescent phylogenies, but the ML topologies were highly variable while the coalescent topologies were consistent across datasets. Our work also demonstrates the broad phylogenetic utility of 149 genes that were previously identified from eupulmonate gastropods. This study is one of the first to (a) demonstrate the efficacy of exon capture for recovering relationships among recently radiated invertebrate taxa, (b) employ genome-wide nuclear markers to test mimicry hypotheses in nudibranchs and (c) provide evidence for introgression and mitochondrial capture in nudibranchs.
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