The great auk was once abundant and distributed across the North Atlantic. It is now extinct, having been heavily exploited for its eggs, meat, and feathers. We investigated the impact of human hunting on its demise by integrating genetic data, GPS-based ocean current data, and analyses of population viability. We sequenced complete mitochondrial genomes of 41 individuals from across the species’ geographic range and reconstructed population structure and population dynamics throughout the Holocene. Taken together, our data do not provide any evidence that great auks were at risk of extinction prior to the onset of intensive human hunting in the early 16th century. In addition, our population viability analyses reveal that even if the great auk had not been under threat by environmental change, human hunting alone could have been sufficient to cause its extinction. Our results emphasise the vulnerability of even abundant and widespread species to intense and localised exploitation.
Oligo painting FISH was established to identify all chromosomes in banana (Musa spp.) and to anchor pseudomolecules of reference genome sequence of Musa acuminata spp. malaccensis “DH Pahang” to individual chromosomes in situ. A total of 19 chromosome/chromosome-arm specific oligo painting probes were developed and were shown to be suitable for molecular cytogenetic studies in genus Musa. For the first time, molecular karyotypes of diploid M. acuminata spp. malaccensis (A genome), M. balbisiana (B genome), and M. schizocarpa (S genome) from the Eumusa section of Musa, which contributed to the evolution of edible banana cultivars, were established. This was achieved after a combined use of oligo painting probes and a set of previously developed banana cytogenetic markers. The density of oligo painting probes was sufficient to study chromosomal rearrangements on mitotic as well as on meiotic pachytene chromosomes. This advance will enable comparative FISH mapping and identification of chromosomal translocations which accompanied genome evolution and speciation in the family Musaceae.
Meiosis of newly formed allopolyploids frequently encounter perturbations induced by the merging of divergent and hybridizable genomes. However, to date, the meiotic properties of allopolyploids with dysploid parental karyotypes have not been studied in detail. The allotetraploid Cucumis ×hytivus (HHCC, 2n = 38) was obtained from interspecific hybridization between C. sativus (CC, 2n = 14) and C. hystrix (HH, 2n = 24) followed by chromosome doubling. The results of this study thus offer an excellent opportunity to explore the meiotic properties of allopolyploids with dysploid parental karyotypes.
Bifidobacteria are among the most prevalent gut commensals in mammals, playing crucial functional roles that start from their early colonization of the infant gastrointestinal tract and last throughout the life span of their host. Metagenomic approaches have been employed to unveil the genetic features of bifidobacteria in order to understand how they participate in the correct development of a healthy microbiome. Nevertheless, their low relative abundance in many environmental samples may represent a major limitation for metagenomics approaches. To overcome this restriction, we applied an enrichment method that allows amplification of bifidobacterial DNA obtained from human or animal fecal samples for up to 26,500-fold, resulting in the metagenomic reconstruction of genomes belonging to bifidobacterial strains, present at very low abundance in collected samples. Functional predictions of the genes from these reconstructed genomes allows us to identify unique signatures among members of the same bifidobacterial species, highlighting genes correlated with the uptake of nutrients and adhesion to the intestinal mucosa.
Pomfret fishes of the genus Pampus are commercially important in the Indo-Pacific region, yet the phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy of Pampus remain contentious. Here, we sampled 151 specimens, representing all known species of the genus, as well as two outgroup species (two families). We collected sequences from 17,292 single-copy nuclear coding loci using target-gene enrichment and Illumina sequencing for a subset samples of P. echinogaster, P. argenteus, P. cinereus, P. liuorum, P. chinensis, P. minor, and P. punctatissimus, which were carefully examined according to their species descriptions. Concatenated gene tree and species tree analyses resulted in identical and highly supported phylogenies, in which P. argenteus was sister to P. minor in one clade and P. cinereus sister to P. chinensis and P. punctatissimus in the other clade. Phylogenetic reconstruction using sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) collected by us and those retrieved from NCBI suggests extensive misidentification of Pampus species in the NCBI database. We also measured morphological characters of each species as well as observed their osteological structure using micro-CT. Both molecular and morphological results suggest that P. echinogaster is a synonym of P. argenteus, and P. liuorum is a synonym of P. cinereus. Pampus cinereus from China, Bangladesh and an uncertain origin were grouped into three clades according to their sampling localities, but we could not find decisive morphological characters to describe the “cryptic species” of P. cinereus. Finally, based on the results of the molecular analyses and morphological reexamination, we created an identification key for the genus of Pampus.
Australasia harbors very high squamate diversity and is a center of endemicity for a number of major lineages. However, despite this diversity, the diplodactyloid geckos of Australia, New Caledonia, and New Zealand (comprised of three endemic families and >200 species) are the only extant squamates with unequivocal Mesozoic origins in the region. Diplodactyloid geckos also exhibit notable phenotypic and ecological diversity, most strikingly illustrated by the functionally limbless pygopods. Here, we present the first phylogenomic analyses of the pattern and timing of diplodactyloid evolution, based on a dataset of more than 4000 ultraconserved elements (UCEs) from 180 species. These analyses fully resolve nearly all nodes, including a number of intergeneric relationships that have proven problematic in previous studies. The hypothesis that New Caledonia and New Zealand clades represent independent post-KT boundary colonization events of Tasmantis from Australian ancestors is confirmed. Phylogenetic relationships recovered here further highlight contrasting patterns of diversity, most strikingly between insular and/or morphologically highly derived clades that have diversified rapidly, as opposed to other species poor and phylogenetically divergent relictual lineages on mainland Australia. Our new timetree suggests slightly older branching times than previous analyses and does not find a mass extinction event in the early Cenozoic. Finally, our new phylogeny highlights caudal variation across the clade. Most strikingly, the distinctive leaf-tail morphology shown by one family may in fact be plesiomorphic.
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