Objectives In the 14th century AD, medieval Europe was severely affected by the Great European Famine as well as repeated bouts of disease, including the Black Death, causing major demographic shifts. This high volatility led to increased mobility and migration due to new labor and economic opportunities, as evidenced by documentary and stable isotope data. This study uses ancient DNA (aDNA) isolated from skeletal remains to examine whether evidence for large-scale population movement can be gleaned from the complete mitochondrial genomes of 264 medieval individuals from England (London) and Denmark. Materials and Methods Using a novel library-conserving approach to targeted capture, we recovered 264 full mitochondrial genomes from the petrous portion of the temporal bones and teeth and compared genetic diversity across the medieval period within and between English (London) and Danish populations and with contemporary populations through population pairwise ΦST analysis. Results We find no evidence of significant differences in genetic diversity spatially or temporally in our dataset, yet there is a high degree of haplotype diversity in our medieval samples with little exact sequence sharing. Discussion The mitochondrial genomes of both medieval Londoners and medieval Danes suggest high mitochondrial diversity before, during and after the Black Death. While our mitochondrial genomic data lack geographically correlated signals, these data could be the result of high, continual female migration before and after the Black Death or may simply indicate a large female effective population size unaffected by the upheaval of the medieval period. Either scenario suggests a genetic resiliency in areas of northwestern medieval Europe.
Purpose: Newborn screening (NBS) programs are important for appropriate management of susceptible neonates to prevent serious clinical problems. Neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care units (NICU) are at a potentially high risk of false-positive results, and repetitive NBS after total parenteral nutrition is completely off results in delayed diagnosis. Here, we present the usefulness of a targeted next-generation sequencing (TNGS) panel to complement NBS for early diagnosis in high-risk neonates. Materials and Methods: The TNGS panel covered 198 genes associated with actionable genetic and metabolic diseases that are typically included in NBS programs in Korea using tandem mass spectrometry. The panel was applied to 48 infants admitted to the NICU of Severance Children’s Hospital between May 2017 and September 2017. The infants were not selected for suspected metabolic disorders. Results: A total of 13 variants classified as likely pathogenic or pathogenic were detected in 11 (22.9%) neonates, including six genes (DHCR7, PCBD1, GAA, ALDOB, ATP7B, and GBA) associated with metabolic diseases not covered in NBS. One of the 48 infants was diagnosed with an isobutyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, and false positive results of tandem mass screening were confirmed in two infants using the TNGS panel. Conclusion: The implementation of TNGS in conjunction with conventional NBS can allow for better management of and earlier diagnosis in susceptible infants, thus preventing the development of critical conditions in these sick infants.
Abstract. Understanding why some groups of organisms are more diverse than others is a central goal in macroevolution. Evolvability, or the intrinsic capacity
Aim The Lesser Sunda Islands are situated between the Sunda and Sahul Shelves, with a linear arrangement that has functioned as a two-way filter for taxa dispersing between the Asian and Australo-Papuan biogeographical realms. Distributional patterns of many terrestrial vertebrates suggest a stepping-stone model of island colonization. Here we investigate the timing and sequence of island colonization in Asian-origin fanged frogs from the volcanic Sunda Arc islands with the goal of testing the stepping-stone model of island colonization. Location The Indonesian islands of Java, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores and Lembata. Taxon Limnonectes dammermani and L. kadarsani (Family: Dicroglossidae) Methods Mitochondrial DNA was sequenced from 153 frogs to identify major lineages and to select samples for an exon-capture experiment. We designed probes to capture sequence data from 974 exonic loci (1,235,981 bp) from 48 frogs including the outgroup species, L. microdiscus. The resulting data were analysed using phylogenetic, population genetic and biogeographical model testing methods. Results The mtDNA phylogeny finds L. kadarsani paraphyletic with respect to L. dammermani, with a pectinate topology consistent with the stepping-stone model. Phylogenomic analyses of 974 exons recovered the two species as monophyletic sister taxa that diverged 7.6 Ma with no detectable contemporary gene flow, suggesting introgression of the L. dammermani mitochondrion into L. kadarsani on Lombok resulting from an isolated ancient hybridization event 4 Ma. Within L. kadarsani, the Lombok lineage diverged first while the Sumbawa and Lembata lineages are nested within a Flores assemblage composed of two parapatrically distributed lineages meeting in central Flores. Biogeographical model comparison found strict stepping-stone dispersal to be less likely than models involving leap-frog dispersal events. Main conclusions These results suggest that the currently accepted stepping-stone model of island colonization might not best explain the current patterns of diversity in the archipelago. The high degree of genetic structure, large divergence times, and absent or low levels of migration between lineages suggests that L. kadarsani represents five distinct species.
Indochina and Sundaland are biologically diverse, interconnected regions of Southeast Asia with complex geographic histories. Few studies have examined phylogeography of bird species that span the two regions because of inadequate population sampling. To determine how geographic barriers/events and disparate dispersal potential have influenced the population structure, gene flow, and demographics of species that occupy the entire area, we studied five largely codistributed rainforest bird species: Arachnothera longirostra, Irena puella, Brachypodius atriceps, Niltava grandis, and Stachyris nigriceps. We accomplished relatively thorough sampling and data collection by sequencing ultraconserved elements (UCEs) using DNA extracted from modern and older (historical) specimens. We obtained a genome-wide set of 753–4,501 variable loci and 3,919–18,472 single nucleotide polymorphisms. The formation of major within-species lineages occurred within a similar span of time (0.5–1.5 mya). Major patterns in population genetic structure are largely consistent with the dispersal potential and habitat requirements of the study species. A population break across the Isthmus of Kra was shared only by the two hill/submontane insectivores (N. grandis and S. nigriceps). Across Sundaland, there is little structure in B. atriceps, which is a eurytopic and partially frugivorous species that often utilizes forest edges. Two other eurytopic species, A. longirostra and I. puella, possess highly divergent populations in peripheral Sunda Islands (Java and/or Palawan) and India. These species probably possess intermediate dispersal abilities that allowed them to colonize new areas, and then remained largely isolated subsequently. We also observed an east–west break in Indochina that was shared by B. atriceps and S. nigriceps, species with very different habitat requirements and dispersal potential. By analyzing high-throughput DNA data, our study provides an unprecedented comparative perspective on the process of avian population divergence across Southeast Asia, a process that is determined by geography, species characteristics, and the stochastic nature of dispersal and vicariance events.
Premise of the Study This investigation establishes the first DNA-sequence-based phylogenetic hypothesis of species relationships in the coca family (Erythroxylaceae) and presents its implications for the intrageneric taxonomy and neotropical biogeography of Erythroxylum. We also identify the closest wild relatives and evolutionary relationships of the cultivated coca taxa. Methods We focused our phylogenomic inference on the largest taxonomic section in the genus Erythroxylum (Archerythroxylum O.E.Schulz) using concatenation and gene tree reconciliation methods from hybridization-based target capture of 427 genes. Key Results We show that neotropical Erythroxylum are monophyletic within the paleotropical lineages, yet Archerythroxylum and all of the other taxonomic sections from which we sampled multiple species lack monophyly. We mapped phytogeographic states onto the tree and found some concordance between these regions and clades. The wild species E. gracilipes and E. cataractarum are most closely related to the cultivated E. coca and E. novogranatense, but relationships within this “coca” clade remain equivocal. Conclusions Our results point to the difficulty of morphology-based intrageneric classification in this clade and highlight the importance of integrative taxonomy in future systematic revisions. We can confidently identify E. gracilipes and E. cataractarum as the closest wild relatives of the coca taxa, but understanding the domestication history of this crop will require more thorough phylogeographic analysis.
Next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS) allow systematists to amass a wealth of genomic data from non-model species for phylogenetic resolution at various temporal scales. However, phylogenetic inference for many lineages dominated by non-model species has not yet benefited from NGS, which can complement Sanger sequencing studies. One such lineage, whose phylogenetic relationships remain uncertain, is the diverse, agriculturally important and charismatic Coreoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Given the lack of consensus on higher-level relationships and the importance of a robust phylogeny for evolutionary hypothesis testing, we use a large data set comprised of hundreds of ultraconserved element (UCE) loci to infer the phylogeny of Coreoidea (excluding Stenocephalidae and Hyocephalidae), with emphasis on the families Coreidae and Alydidae. We generated three data sets by including alignments that contained loci sampled for at least 50%, 60%, or 70% of the total taxa, and inferred phylogeny using maximum likelihood and summary coalescent methods. Twenty-six external morphological features used in relatively comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of coreoids were also re-evaluated within our molecular phylogenetic framework. We recovered 439–970 loci per species (16%–36% of loci targeted) and combined this with previously generated UCE data for 12 taxa. All data sets, regardless of analytical approach, yielded topologically similar and strongly supported trees, with the exception of outgroup relationships and the position of Hydarinae. We recovered a monophyletic Coreoidea, with Rhopalidae highly supported as the sister group to Alydidae + Coreidae. Neither Alydidae nor Coreidae were monophyletic; the coreid subfamilies Hydarinae and Pseudophloeinae were recovered as more closely related to Alydidae than to other coreid subfamilies. Coreinae were paraphyletic with respect to Meropachyinae. Most morphological traits were homoplastic with several clades defined by few, if any, synapomorphies. Our results demonstrate the utility of phylogenomic approaches in generating robust hypotheses for taxa with long-standing phylogenetic problems and highlight that novel insights may come from such approaches.
Genomic tools are lacking for invasive and native populations of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). Our objective was to discover single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci to conduct pedigree analyses to quantify reproductive contributions of adult sea lampreys and dispersion of sibling larval sea lampreys of different ages in Great Lakes tributaries. Additional applications of data were explored using additional geographically expansive samples. We used restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq) to discover genetic variation in Duffins Creek (DC), Ontario, Canada, and the St. Clair River (SCR), Michigan, USA. We subsequently developed RAD capture baits to genotype 3,446 RAD loci that contained 11,970 SNPs. Based on RAD capture assays, estimates of variance in SNP allele frequency among five Great Lakes tributary populations (mean FST 0.008; range 0.00–0.018) were concordant with previous microsatellite-based studies; however, outlier loci were identified that contributed substantially to spatial population genetic structure. At finer scales within streams, simulations indicated that accuracy in genetic pedigree reconstruction was high when 200 or 500 independent loci were used, even in situations of high spawner abundance (e.g., 1,000 adults). Based on empirical collections of larval sea lamprey genotypes, we found that age-1 and age-2 families of full and half-siblings were widely but nonrandomly distributed within stream reaches sampled. Using the genomic scale set of SNP loci developed in this study, biologists can rapidly genotype sea lamprey in non-native and native ranges to investigate questions pertaining to population structuring and reproductive ecology at previously unattainable scales.
Natural history collections play a crucial role in biodiversity research and museum specimens are increasingly being incorporated into modern genetics-based studies. Sequence capture methods have proven incredibly useful for phylogenomics, providing the additional ability to sequence historical museum specimens with highly degraded DNA, which until recently have been deemed less valuable for genetic work. The successful sequencing of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) from historical museum specimens has been demonstrated on multiple tissue types including dried bird skins, formalin-fixed squamates, and pinned insects. However, no study has thoroughly demonstrated this approach for historical ethanol-preserved museum specimens. Alongside sequencing of “fresh” specimens preserved in >95% ethanol and stored at -80 ºC, we used extraction techniques specifically designed for degraded DNA coupled with sequence capture protocols to sequence UCEs from historical museum specimens preserved in 70–80% ethanol and stored at room temperature, the standard for such ethanol-preserved museum collections. Across 35 fresh and 15 historical museum samples of the arachnid order Opiliones, an average of 345 UCE loci were included in phylogenomic matrices, with museum samples ranging from 6–495 loci. We successfully demonstrate the inclusion of historical ethanol-preserved museum specimens in modern sequence capture phylogenomic studies, show high frequency of variant bases at the species and population-level, and from off-target reads successfully recover multiple loci traditionally sequenced in multi-locus studies including mitochondrial loci and nuclear rRNA loci. The methods detailed in this study will allow researchers to potentially acquire genetic data from millions of ethanol-preserved museum specimens held in collections worldwide. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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