While the output (FASTQ files) is the same, the sequencing chemistry is different. The AVITI uses “avidity sequencing,” which is a sequencing-by binding chemistry. Illumina sequencing employs a sequencing-by synthesis chemistry. The avidity sequencing chemistry improves the accuracy of the basecalls. Read more about avidity sequencing here.

AVITI is the new short-read medium-throughput sequencing platform from Element Biosciences. It is a drop-in replacement for Illumina sequencers – meaning that it is compatible with Illumina libraries and the data format is the same as you’d get with an Illumina sequencer.

Many sample types and species will require special permits for shipping internationally (or domestically). We can provide some advice, but ultimately you are responsible for proactively identifying the permit(s) that are required for your unique samples. Some examples of biological samples that require permits are tissue or DNA from CITES-listed specimens and plant tissues regulated by the USDA/APHIS.

If Daicel Arbor Biosciences is required to apply for an import permit on your behalf, you will be required to pay a permit application fee, regardless of whether the application is successful.

We strongly encourage our customers to research shipping regulations before contacting us about your project to determine your specific permit needs. Incorrect or incomplete documentation may result in the seizure and loss of your samples at Customs, and potentially the assignment of fines/fees.

Yes. We require documentation that all relevant and necessary ethics approvals have been granted for any human specimens that you would like us to work on. This includes both contemporary and ancient samples and includes both tissue and nucleic acid derivatives. Please contact us to receive our Ethics Statement document if you are interested in sending human samples to us. We do not accept clinical specimens and are not CLIA-certified.

We prepare short-insert libraries with 8-bp unique dual indexes.

We prepare long-insert libraries with 16 bp identical dual indexes.

Our library preparation protocols have been carefully tested and optimized for both WGS and targeted sequencing applications. We have protocols that are appropriate for a wide range and variety of input qualities and quantities that have been successfully applied to thousands of samples. Therefore it is very likely that one of our existing protocols will work well for your application, but if you have very specific project constraints, our NGS experts would be happy to discuss the options with you.

Upon arrival, we will take a look at your shipment and plastics to ensure that the samples have not been damaged during their journey. At that point, your project will enter our QC queue.

For Standard and Long Insert quality DNA samples, we will quantify the total gDNA with a spectrofluorometric assay, purify up to 80% of the material, and re-quantify the samples. For Degraded quality DNA samples, we will perform the initial total gDNA quantification as well as visualize at minimum a subset of your samples on the Agilent TapeStation platform. For Ancient quality DNA samples, we will perform the initial total gDNA quantification and may visualize a subset of your samples on the Agilent TapeStation platform.

For RNA samples, we will perform a total RNA quantification. If you have ordered our RNA clean-up, we will perform a DNase treatment, a bead-based purification, a visualization via Agilent TapeStation, and a second total RNA quantification.

For pre-made libraries, we will perform a total gDNA quantification as well as a qPCR-based assay for properly adapted Illumina-compatible library molecules.

If you order QC-only services, the “Standard QC” is the same as the Standard DNA quality QC above. The “Extended QC” is the same as the Degraded DNA quality QC.

We will provide a QC report with the results of our QC to you when you send us DNA, RNA, or libraries. We will also perform the appropriate QC and send the QC report for samples for which we perform the DNA/RNA extraction.

Yes. You can order our “Degraded DNA Package” if you would like our full service package or “Extended QC” if you would like a custom project configuration and we will evaluate the quantity and the quality of your samples. You will be provided with a QC report and our NGS experts are available to consult with you about the results and can suggest some options for moving forward with your project.

Yes. We are able to expedite a select number of projects at a given time. Please inquire if you believe your project needs to be expedited and we will let you know if we have availability in our expedited pipeline and if the desired project timeline is feasible. When a project is expedited, it will skip our regular queue. We do not guarantee a specific turnaround time guarantee for expedited projects. We will do our best to be transparent with anticipated timelines and will communicate progress as well as delays with you during the process.

Yes. Please do your best to provide your project information as accurately as possible and we would be happy to provide a price estimate for you to use in your grant proposal. However, please be aware that our prices may change between when your estimate is provided and when your grant is funded.