Phylogenetic inference and species delimitation can be challenging in taxonomic groups that have recently radiated and where introgression produces conflicting gene trees, especially when species delimitation has traditionally relied on mitochondrial data and color pattern. Chromodoris, a genus of colorful and toxic nudibranch in the Indo-Pacific, has been shown to have extraordinary cryptic diversity and mimicry, and has recently radiated, ultimately complicating species delimitation. In these cases, additional genome-wide data can help improve phylogenetic resolution and provide important insights about evolutionary history. Here, we employ a transcriptome-based exon capture approach to resolve Chromodoris phylogeny with data from 2,925 exons and 1,630 genes, derived from 15 nudibranch transcriptomes. We show that some previously identified mimics instead show mitonuclear discordance, likely deriving from introgression or mitochondrial capture, but we confirm one “pure” mimic in Western Australia. Sister–species relationships and species-level entities were recovered with high support in both concatenated maximum likelihood (ML) and summary coalescent phylogenies, but the ML topologies were highly variable while the coalescent topologies were consistent across datasets. Our work also demonstrates the broad phylogenetic utility of 149 genes that were previously identified from eupulmonate gastropods. This study is one of the first to (a) demonstrate the efficacy of exon capture for recovering relationships among recently radiated invertebrate taxa, (b) employ genome-wide nuclear markers to test mimicry hypotheses in nudibranchs and (c) provide evidence for introgression and mitochondrial capture in nudibranchs.

Abstract A Rosaceae family-level candidate gene approach was used to identify genes associated with sugar content in blackberry (Rubus subgenus Rubus). Three regions conserved among apple (Malus × domestica), peach (Prunus persica), and alpine strawberry (Fragaria vesca) were identified that contained previously detected sweetness-related quantitative trait loci (QTL) in at least two of the crops. Sugar related genes from these conserved regions and 789 sugar-associated apple genes were used to identify 279 Rubus candidate transcripts. A Hyb-Seq approach was used in conjunction with PacBio sequencing to generate haplotype level sequence information of sugar-related genes for 40 cultivars with high and low soluble solids content from the University of Arkansas and USDA blackberry breeding programs. Polymorphisms were identified relative to the ‘Hillquist’ blackberry (R. argutus) and ORUS 4115-3 black raspberry (R. occidentalis) genomes and tested for their association with soluble solids content (SSC). A total of 173 alleles were identified that were significantly (α = 0.05) associated with SSC. KASP genotyping was conducted for 92 of these alleles on a validation set of blackberries from each breeding program and 48 markers were identified that were significantly associated with SSC. One QTL, qSSC-Ruh-ch1.1, identified in both breeding programs accounted for an increase of 1.5 °Brix and the polymorphisms were detected in the intron space of a sucrose synthase gene. This discovery represents the first environmentally stable sweetness QTL identified in blackberry. The approach demonstrated in this study can be used to develop breeding tools for other crops that have not yet benefited directly from the genomics revolution.

Most new cryptic species are described using conventional tree- and distance-based species delimitation methods (SDMs), which rely on phylogenetic arrangements and measures of genetic divergence. However, although numerous factors such as population structure and gene flow are known to confound phylogenetic and species delimitation inferences, the influence of these processes on species estimation is not frequently evaluated. Using large amounts of exons, introns, and ultraconserved elements obtained using the FrogCap sequence-capture protocol, we compared conventional SDMs with more robust genomic analyses that assesses population structure and gene flow to characterize species boundaries in a Southeast Asian frog complex (Pulchrana picturata). Our results showed that gene flow and introgression can produce phylogenetic patterns and levels of divergence that resemble distinct species (up to 10% divergent in mitochondrial DNA). Hybrid populations were inferred as independent (singleton) clades that were highly divergent from adjacent populations (7–10%) and unusually similar (<3%) to allopatric populations. Such anomalous patterns are not uncommon in Southeast Asian amphibians, which brings into question whether the high cryptic diversity observed in other amphibian groups reflect distinct cryptic species—or, instead, highly admixed and structured metapopulation lineages. Our results also provide an alternative explanation to the conundrum of divergent (sometimes non-sister) sympatric lineages―a pattern that has been celebrated as indicative of true cryptic speciation. Based on these findings, we recommend that species delimitation of continuously distributed “cryptic” groups should not rely solely on conventional SDMs but should necessarily examine population structure and gene flow to avoid taxonomic inflation.

Previous investigations of genetic diversity across the distribution of the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) confirmed the existence of two genet…

Abstract Relationships of the Neotropical finches in the genera Euphonia and Chlorophonia (Fringillidae: Euphoniinae) have been clarified by recent molecular studies, but species-level relationships within this group have not been thoroughly addressed. In this study, we sampled specimens representing every recognized species of these genera, in addition to 2 outgroup taxa, and used target enrichment to sequence thousands of ultraconserved element (UCE) loci, as well as mitochondrial DNA reconstructed from off-target reads, from each specimen to infer these relationships. We constructed both concatenation and coalescent-based estimates of phylogeny from this dataset using matrices of varying levels of completeness, and we generated a time-scaled ultrametric tree using a recently published fossil-based external calibration. We found uniformly strong support for a monophyletic subfamily Euphoniinae and genus Chlorophonia, but a paraphyletic Euphonia across UCEs and mitochondrial genomes. Otherwise, our inferred relationships were largely concordant with previous studies. Our time-tree indicated a stem divergence time of 13.8 million years ago for this lineage, followed by a relatively young crown age of only 7.1 myr. Reconstructions of biogeographic history based on this tree suggest a South American origin for crown Euphoniinae, possibly resulting from a transoceanic dispersal event from the Eastern Hemisphere, followed by 2 dispersal events into the Caribbean and as many as 6 invasions of North America coinciding with recent estimates of the age at which the Isthmus of Panama had completely formed. We recommend splitting Euphonia and resurrecting the genus Cyanophonia for the 3 blue-hooded species more closely related to Chlorophonia. Based on our results, we suspect that there is undescribed species-level diversity in at least one, possibly many, widespread and phenotypically diverse species.