Likely yes. Our team of scientists at Daicel Arbor Biosciences come from a range of scientific backgrounds and possess expertise in diverse applications, data analysis workflows and bioinformatics tools. It is likely that our team members have experience working with datasets and analyses that are comparable to yours, and they have a proven track record of effectively handling projects applicable to a diverse range of research fields, such as agrigenomics, non-model organism genomics, functional genomics, phylogenetics/phylogenomics, genotyping, degraded or ancient DNA, and more.

No, you do not need to have any bioinformatics expertise to work with us. We will have a consultation to understand your requirements and plan the project accordingly. Your final project report will include comprehensive methodological descriptions in sufficient detail to populate the methods section of a peer-reviewed publication.

By default, we provide a storage term of three months for project deliverables. However, we do offer the option of longer-term storage upon request, subject to an additional fee.

A standard protocol for chemical transformation usually produces E. coli cells with a sufficient competency for plasmid intake. We recommend following the procedure described in Sambrook et al. 1989.

  1. Master mix inactivation due to improper storage. The myTXTL master mix must be stored at -80°C and number of freeze-thaw cycles should be minimized.
  2. Improper reaction setup, Please review the recommendations to set up a myTXTL reaction in the current myTXTL manual.
  3. Contamination of myTXTL reaction with nuclease. To avoid nuclease contamination, wear gloves and use nuclease-free water, sterilized tips and tubes. Use deionized, nuclease-free, “molecular grade” water for myTXTL reaction setup.

Batch-to-batch variation can cause varying levels of TXTL inhibitor contamination present in the plasmid solution. Please follow our recommendations on how to prepare template plasmid DNA for TXTL reactions in the current myTXTL manual.

If you have started your project with plasmid templates for which you purchased the myTXTL Sigma 70 Master Mix, but now you want to try out linear DNA templates with the myTXTL Sigma 70 Master Mix you still have available in your lab. A simple addition of myTXTL GamS Protein to the myTXTL Sigma 70 Master Mix significantly boosts protein output from linear DNA templates in this master mix. For future work with linear DNA templates we would recommend the myTXTL Linear DNA Expression kit or myTXTL T7 Expression kit as both use the myTXTL Linear DNA Master Mix.

The kit used depends on the phage’s genome type, if it is linear DNA, we recommend the myTXTL Linear DNA kit or myTXTL T7 Expression Kit if you need to express accessory proteins. If circular DNA or RNA, any of our kits could be used, keeping in mind that non-E. coli phages may require the addition of their host’s primary transcription factor (SigA/Sigma70) or other accessory proteins to enable replication (see Emslander et al. 2022).

Our goal is to provide NGS services for your project as if you were working directly with one of your research collaborators. We strive for a transparent and cooperative approach to NGS projects, and will communicate openly with you to find the right solution for your individual research design needs. We have decades of collective experience in molecular biology, including target capture & high-throughput sequencing, and working with difficult specimens.

In order to facilitate transparent, collaborative projects, we have opted to not offer specific guarantees for target capture & sequencing service projects, since every custom project is completely unique. In science, sometimes research projects do not go 100% according to plan. However, you will only pay for the services that we actually perform. We will give every project our individual attention, and all laboratory work is performed by hand on the bench by our team of dedicated & experienced researchers. We aim to provide you with the very same dedicated laboratory attention that you & your research team would give to your own work. You can be assured that we will communicate openly with you about all aspects of your project, and will not commit to a project before first discussing all the options with you.

We offer a full suite of services for next-generation sequencing projects, on both regular specimens as well as degraded specimens such ancient DNA including:

  • Extraction of DNA and RNA from fresh or degraded samples
  • Short-insert DNA and RNA library preparation suitable for downstream sequencing with Illumina and similar platforms
  • Long-insert DNA library preparation suitable for downstream PacBio and Nanopore platforms
  • Target enrichment using myBaits catalog and custom kits
  • High-throughput sequencing on Illumina and PacBio instruments

Demonstration of a range of customizable NGS library insert size options available from NGS services team at Daicel Arbor Biosciences. Our experts can help you to choose the best average insert length appropriate for your specific myBaits target capture project, whether SNP resequencing, exon capture, UCE sequencing, or more. Depending on the quality of your DNA, the nature of your desired target regions, and your planned sequencing platform and read protocol, your project may benefit from either shorter or longer NGS library sizes.